

Publisher information

Registered office: 26 rue de Berri - 75008 Paris, France
Simplified Joint-Stock Company with €16,076,007 capital

Additional information :
Registration number (Siret): 441 757 614 00058
EU VAT number (or NIF): FR 72 441 757 614
APE: 6120Z Wireless telecommunications
WIFIRST is a telecoms operator registered with the French telecoms regulator ARCEP (Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électronique et des Postes) - 7 square Max Hymans - 75015 Paris, France.

Website Content

Publishing Manager: Mr Marc Taieb as chairman of WIFIRST
Contact: parlons-internet@wifirst.fr / +33 (0)1 70 70 46 26

Website Host

30 North Wall Quay / 2nd floor
Dublin 1,Ireland
Contact: customersuccess-emea@hubspot.com / +33 (0)1 86 26 07 91


The purpose of this website is to present the company Wifirst and its solutions, business and news. It is also intended to gather different types of contacts (prospects, clients, journalists, investors, applicants, etc.).

Personal data

Pursuant to the amended data protection law no. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978, and European Parliament and Council EU regulation (EU) 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, any user who has uploaded directly or indirectly named data to this site has the right to access, rectify and object to the use of any data concerning them by writing an email to donnees-personnelles@wifirst.fr or a letter to Wifirst - Customer service - Private data – 26 rue de Berri – 75008 Paris, France. To find out more, please read our Confidentiality Policy.

Intellectual property

The content published online by WIFIRST is an intellectual work under the French Intellectual Property Code. Any representation, reproduction and/or use of this work, either in full or in part, is prohibited, unless WIFIRST has given its prior written consent. You can send us any comments and questions using our contact form at www.wifirst.com/en/contact.

Applicable law

This website is governed by French law and any dispute that may arise from its interpretation or execution will come under the sole jurisdiction of the courts where the company's registered office is located. Any disputes will be settled in French.