La politique RSE de Wifirst en tant qu'opérateur télécom

Green IT : concrete solutions for businesses

Choose a supplier in line with your carbon challenges.

Wifirst, as a telecom company, has a particular responsibility in the implementation of a more sustainable digital industry. We have a model, which by design supports a clean approach, and we offer concrete solutions to help you meet your own carbon goals.

Temps réseau

A virtuous "network as a service" model

Our networks last longer.

We offer a connectivity service to all companies that want to be truly digital. We emphasise the word 'service' because we are not hardware vendors. We have no interest in pushing the over-consumption of equipment. We even have an interest in ensuring that each piece of equipment we have deployed and operate lasts as long as possible. We are fighting against programmed obsolescence.


Impact carbone

Reduced carbon impact with a unified network

We connect all your services on a single infrastructure.

Put an end to the myriad of network infrastructures cluttering your IT racks. Trust Wifirst to deploy a single unified network that connects all your business and client devices. The result: fewer devices, deployment savings, operational savings and energy savings.



Refurbished equipment? a great idea

The best solution for the planet is to produce nothing. We have refurbished WiFi offers.

True to our approach, we prefer to commit ourselves to quality of service and like to remain in control of the resources we use. It is clear that old generation professional equipment, whether it be WiFi terminals or switches, is still capable of providing all the guarantees necessary for the provision of quality connectivity services. We have stocks of refurbished equipment (mainly from contract renewals with a change of infrastructure) and are very happy when we have the opportunity to re-use them with new customers.


Buropolis (5)
"Excellent experience with Wifirst, whose teams were very professional at all stages of project execution. Congratulations on the idea of using refurbished equipment, which, beyond the effect of undeniable financial advantages, is really in line with the desire for ecological frugality carried by Yes We Camp"

Raphaël Haziot
Project Director, Buropolis