Applicables à compter du 12 mai 2022
L’utilisateur du Service Wifirst, ci-après dénommé l"Utilisateur"
Wifirst, société par actions simplifiée, au capital de 16 076 007 euros, dont le siège social est 26 rue de Berri Paris 75008, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris sous le numéro 441 757 614, numéro de TVA FR72441757614, dont le site web est consultable à l'adresse, représentée par son Président, ci-après dénommée "Wifirst".
Wifirst est un opérateur de réseau et de services de communications électroniques, régulièrement déclaré auprès de l’Autorité de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Électroniques (ARCEP).
A ce titre, Wifirst propose une offre d’accès à des services de communications électroniques reposant, en fonction de l’éligibilité du lieu de raccordement de l’Utilisateur, sur un raccordement de l'Utilisateur en technologie WiFi ou Ethernet.
Les présentes Conditions Générales d’Utilisation (« CGU ») ont pour objet de définir les modalités de mise à disposition du Service Wifirst et les conditions d’utilisation du service par l’Utilisateur.
Les expressions et termes en majuscule des CGU auront la définition suivante :
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol : désigne un protocole réseau dont le rôle est d’assurer la configuration automatique des paramètres IP d’un Equipement, notamment en lui affectant automatiquement une Adresse IP et un masque de sous-réseau. DHCP peut aussi configurer l’adresse de la passerelle par défaut ainsi que des serveurs de noms DNS.
DNS - Domain Name System (système de noms de domaine) désigne le service permettant de traduire un nom de domaine en informations de plusieurs types qui y sont associées, notamment en Adresses IP de la machine portant ce nom.
Données : signes, signaux, messages, écrits, images, sons de toute nature et, de manière générale, tout contenu susceptible d’être stocké, rendu disponible, consulté, transporté, diffusé.
Equipement : appareil avec lequel l’Utilisateur va se connecter au service.
HADOPI : désigne la Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur internet (HADOPI), autorité publique indépendante française créée par la loi Création et Internet, instituée par le décret n°2009-1773 du 29 décembre 2009.
HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol : désigne le protocole de communication client-serveur développé pour le World Wide Web. HTTPS (avec S pour secured, soit « sécurisé ») désigne la version chiffrée de ce protocole.
IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (organisme de normalisation).
Internet : réseau mondial d'échange de données constitué de serveurs reliés entre eux par le biais de réseaux de communications électroniques, accessible à tout utilisateur pourvu de l’équipement informatique nécessaire.
IP ou Adresse IP : série de numéros permettant d'identifier de façon unique un équipement sur le réseau Internet.
Lieu de raccordement : désigne l’endroit physique (résidence, hôtel, camping) où l’Utilisateur se connecte au réseau Wifirst.
Navigateur web ou Navigateur : désigne un logiciel conçu pour consulter le World Wide Web
Partenaire : désigne l’enseigne partenaire de Wifirst, au sein de laquelle l’infrastructure Wifirst est installée. Le réseau WiFi est ainsi installé à destination des clients du Partenaire.
Portail captif : désigne une technique d’authentification consistant à rediriger la navigation web de l’Utilisateur vers le site Web de Wifirst.
Service Wifirst : désigne l’Accès Internet fourni à l’Utilisateur par Wifirst. Le Service Wifirst peut également inclure, en fonction notamment du Lieu de raccordement, un service de téléphonie et un service télévision.
Utilisateur : désigne toute personne physique qui utilise le Service Internet Wifirst.
WiFi : désigne un ensemble de protocoles de communication sans fil régis par les normes du groupe IEEE 802.11 (ISO/CEI 8802-11) et permettant la transmission de données numériques sans fil. En fonction du lieu de raccordement et de l’Equipement de l’Utilisateur, l’accès peut être produit notamment selon les normes IEEE 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n ou encore 802.11ac.
WWW - World Wide Web : littéralement la « toile (d’araignée) mondiale », communément appelé le Web, et parfois la Toile, est un système hypertexte public fonctionnant sur Internet. Le Web permet de consulter, avec un Navigateur, des pages accessibles sur des sites.
Afin de bénéficier des Services Wifirst, l’Utilisateur doit d’abord raccorder son Equipement au réseau de Wifirst. Le raccordement au réseau de Wifirst se fait en technologie WiFi. L'Utilisateur doit ainsi s’assurer que son Equipement fonctionne en WiFi (compatible avec la norme WiFi 4 au minimum). Si le Lieu de raccordement le permet, une connexion au réseau Wifirst via câble Ethernet peut être possible. L’Utilisateur doit alors brancher un câble entre le port Ethernet de son Equipement et une prise ethernet murale. Le câble Ethernet est considéré comme faisant partie de l’Equipement de l’Utilisateur et n’est généralement pas fourni par Wifirst.
Une fois son Equipement raccordé au réseau de Wifirst, l’Utilisateur doit s’assurer que son Equipement a bien une configuration réseau standard : notamment, une adresse IP et des serveurs DNS configurés pour être obtenus automatiquement par le protocole DHCP, et un système de pare-feu et d’anti-virus ne limitant pas la navigation Internet. L’Utilisateur doit ensuite ouvrir son navigateur Internet. Il sera généralement redirigé vers le Site Web de Wifirst automatiquement, mais si cela n’est pas le cas, il doit saisir lui-même l’adresse du Site Web de Wifirst dans son navigateur ( Afin de bénéficier des Services de Wifirst, le support du protocole HTTPS, des cookies et du langage Javascript devra être activé et fonctionnel, et aucun serveur proxy ne devra être activé. L’Equipement de l’Utilisateur devra en outre disposer d’une configuration compatible avec les Services Wifirst : (a) un système d’exploitation Microsoft Windows XP ou version plus récente, ou Mac OS X, (b) une mémoire vive de 1 gigaoctet (Go) au minimum (4 Go conseillés), (c) un système exempt de tout virus, cheval de Troie, ver, logiciel espion, logiciel de piratage ou de tout autre logiciel susceptible de ralentir excessivement le système de l’Utilisateur ou de nuire à la sécurité ou au bon fonctionnement du réseau Wifirst.
Wifirst met à la disposition de l'Utilisateur un service Clients, accessible par téléphone, par mail ou par chat destiné à fournir une assistance concernant la mise en œuvre, l'installation et l'utilisation des Services Wifirst.
Ce service d’assistance, ouvert tous les jours 24 heures sur 24, est accessible :
Le Service de Wifirst permet à l'Utilisateur d'accéder au réseau Internet et à ses différents services, notamment le World Wide Web (WWW), le courrier électronique, la consultation de services en ligne, l’échange de fichiers et, plus généralement, l’échange de données à travers le réseau.
4.1 Identification de l’Utilisateur
L'utilisation du Service Wifirst est exclusivement réservée aux seules personnes physiques, majeures et disposant de la capacité juridique. Wifirst demande la plupart du temps à l’Utilisateur de s’authentifier avant d’activer sa connexion internet, soit en saisissant une adresse email soit en se créant un compte utilisateur.
4.2 Droit d’accès au Service
En fonction des Lieux de raccordement, l’accès au Service Wifirst est payant, gratuit ou encore conditionné par une procédure définie par le Partenaire. En ce qui concerne les offres payantes, l’Utilisateur doit se référer aux Conditions Générales de Vente du Lieu de raccordement pour obtenir toutes les informations dédiées.
5.1 L’Utilisateur garantit l’exactitude des informations fournies lors de son identification. L'Utilisateur déclare être bien informé des caractéristiques intrinsèques de l'Internet et notamment du fait (a) que la transmission des données sur Internet ne bénéficie que d'une fiabilité relative, celles-ci circulant sur des réseaux hétérogènes, aux caractéristiques et capacités diverses, qui sont parfois saturés à certaines périodes de la journée et de nature à impacter sur les délais de téléchargement ou l'accessibilité aux données ; (b) que les Données circulant sur les réseaux de communications électroniques sont susceptibles d'être détournées et la communication par l'Utilisateur de données confidentielles est faite à ses risques et périls ; (c) que l'Internet est un réseau ouvert et, qu'en conséquence, les informations qu'il véhicule ne sont pas protégées contre les risques de détournement, d'intrusion dans l'Equipement, de piratage des données, programmes et fichiers de l'Equipement, de contamination par des virus informatiques ; (d) qu'il lui appartient de prendre toutes les mesures appropriées de façon à (i) protéger les données, fichiers ou programmes stockés dans l'Equipement contre la contamination par des virus circulant sur les réseaux de communications électroniques notamment sur Internet et des tentatives d'intrusion dans l'Equipement et (ii) empêcher l’utilisation détournée par des tiers de l’accès mis à disposition.
5.2 L'Utilisateur reconnaît par ailleurs avoir une obligation de surveillance de l’utilisation de son accès à Internet par l’intermédiaire du Service Wifirst, dont il est le seul responsable. À ce titre, l'Utilisateur s’engage en outre à respecter, ou faire respecter par toute personne utilisant les Services, notamment les règles suivantes : (a) les Données auxquelles l’Utilisateur accède et/ou circulant et/ou mises à disposition par l’Utilisateur sur les réseaux de communications électroniques (notamment sur Internet) ne doivent pas contrevenir aux lois, réglementations, chartes d'usages ou déontologies, nationales et internationales en vigueur. En particulier, tout contenu visant notamment à la provocation aux crimes et délits, à l’incitation à la haine raciale ou au suicide, à l’apologie des crimes contre l’humanité, comportant des éléments de pornographie enfantine, ou à caractère violent ou pornographique est strictement interdit lorsque le contenu est susceptible d’être accessible aux mineurs est strictement interdit ; (b) l'Utilisateur, par son comportement et par les Données qu'il met à disposition, consulte ou partage, s’oblige à ne pas (i) porter atteinte aux droits des tiers, notamment par la reproduction, la représentation, la mise à disposition ou la communication au public d’œuvres ou d’objets protégés par un droit de propriété intellectuelle, littéraire, artistique ou industrielle. Les Données circulant ou mises à disposition sur tout réseau de communications électroniques (notamment sur Internet) et/ou mises à disposition au moyen des Services audiovisuels peuvent être réglementées en termes d'usage ou protégées par un droit d’auteur ou par un droit voisin et l'Utilisateur est l'unique responsable de l'utilisation des Données qu'il consulte, stocke et met à disposition sur les réseaux de communications électroniques (notamment sur Internet) et les Services, la propagation de Données, d'images ou de sons pouvant constituer une diffamation, une injure, un dénigrement ou portant atteinte à la vie privée, au droit à l'image, à la répuation, aux bonnes mœurs ou à l'ordre public ; (ii) utiliser les Services à des fins de contrefaçon (piratage) ; (iii) télécharger des fichiers dans des conditions illicites ou mettre à disposition, quel que soit le moyen utilisé, des fichiers protégés (textes, images, photographies, œuvres musicales, œuvres audiovisuelles, logiciels et jeux vidéo) ; (iv) procéder à des intrusions dans des systèmes informatisés ou "hacking" ; (v) propager de virus, ou tous programmes destinés à nuire ; (vi) diffuser de courriers électroniques dans des conditions illicites ; (c) fournir ou utiliser des Données qui permettent, via la création d’un lien hypertexte vers des sites ou des pages de tiers, d’enfreindre une disposition ci-dessus ou plus généralement une disposition légale.
5.3 En conséquence de ce qui précède et en parfaite connaissance des caractéristiques du Service Wifirst, l’Utilisateur admet que Wifirst ne saurait être tenu responsable des conséquences de la survenance d'un ou plusieurs des faits mentionnés précédemment et qu'en vertu de la législation en vigueur, Wifirst n’est pas soumise à une obligation générale de surveiller les Données, ni à une obligation générale de rechercher des faits ou des circonstances révélant des activités illicites.
5.4 L'Utilisateur reconnaît que l'accès au Service Wifirst peut être temporairement suspendu, en raison de la maintenance du réseau Wifirst, son amélioration ou de la survenance d'un cas de force majeure.
5.5 Enfin, l’Utilisateur s’engage à ne pas dégrader tout type de matériel installé par Wifirst sur son Lieu de raccordement.
L’Utilisateur reconnaît avoir pris connaissance du message de l’HADOPI suivant : « Vous venez de vous connecter grâce à un réseau Wi-Fi public, mis à disposition par Wifirst. En mettant à votre disposition cet accès à internet, nous souhaitons vous inviter à adopter une attitude responsable quant à l’utilisation de cette connexion internet. En effet, nous nous engageons dans la protection du droit des créateurs et souhaitons vous associer à cette démarche en vous invitant à ne pas télécharger illégalement des contenus contrevenant au droit de la propriété intellectuelle sur internet. Un logiciel de partage de type « eMule » ou « uTorrent », lorsqu’il est connecté à internet, peut mettre à disposition automatiquement des fichiers téléchargés. Si un logiciel de partage a été utilisé pour télécharger des œuvres protégées, il est donc préférable de le désactiver. Le site, créé par l’Hadopi, recense, plusieurs centaines d’offres culturelles disponibles en ligne, toutes catégories (gratuites ou payantes) et secteurs culturels (musique, VOD…) confondus. Pour obtenir l'ensemble de ces offres, rendez-vous sur »
Wifirst est expressément soumis à une obligation de moyens dans la fourniture du Service Wifirst. Wifirst n'est pas responsable de la qualité de transmission des données, des temps de réponse des informations et des restrictions d'accès éventuelles à certains réseaux ou services spécifiques reliés à Internet.
Wifirst informe l’Utilisateur de la manière dont ses données à caractère personnel sont utilisées par Wifirst sur les supports de collecte de ces données et dans sa politique de gestion des données personnelles. L’Utilisateur peut la consulter dans sa version la plus à jour à l’adresse :
Les parties ne sont pas tenues pour responsable, ou considérées comme ayant failli aux présentes conditions générales d’utilisation, pour tout retard ou inexécution, lorsque la cause du retard ou de l’inexécution est liée à un cas de force majeure telle que définie par la loi française et la jurisprudence subséquente.
Applicable as of 9th of August, 2022
The user of the Wifirst Service, hereinafter referred to as the "User"
Wifirst, a French “société par actions simplifiée” with registered capital of 16 076 007 euros, whose registered office is 26 rue de Berri 75008 Paris FRANCE, which is registered with the Trade and Companies of Paris, FRANCE under number 441 757 614, VAT number FR72441757614, whose website is available at, represented by its President, hereinafter referred to as "Wifirst".
Wifirst is an electronic communications network and services operator, regularly declared to the French Autorité de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Électroniques (ARCEP).
In this context, Wifirst provides electronic communications services based on WiFi or Ethernet connectivity, depending on the eligibility of the User's location (the “Wifirst Service”).
These Terms of Use are intended to define the terms of provision of the services and the conditions of use of such service to any User.
The terms and expressions with capital letters in the Terms of Use shall have the following meanings:
Captive Portal refers to an authentication technique of redirecting the User's web browser to the Wifirst website.
In order to use the Wifirst Services, the User must first connect its User Device to the Wifirst network. Wifirst connects Wifirst networks with WiFi technology. The User must ensure its User Device supports WiFi (should be compatible with WiFi 4, at the minimum). If the Connection Location allows, Wifirst may connect the Wifirst network with an Ethernet cable. In that case, the User must connect its User Device to an Ethernet cable plugged into the wall. The Ethernet cable is part of the User Device and is not provided by Wifirst.
Once the User Device is connected to Wifirst network, the User must ensure that its device has a standard network configuration. This includes an IP address and DNS servers configured to be automatically obtained by DHCP, and a system of firewall and anti-virus not limiting the Web browsing. The User must then open the Web Browser. It will automatically be redirected to Wifirst website, but if it is not the case, the User shall enter the following url in its Web Browser: To benefit from Wifirst Services, the User Device shall also support HTTPS, allow for cookies, support Javascript, and no proxy server should be activated. The User Device also must have a configuration compatible with Wifirst Services, as follows: (a) a Microsoft Windows XP operating system or later, or Mac OS X or later, (b) 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more (4 GB recommended), (c) a system free of any virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, hacking software or any other software that may impair the User experience or create a security threat to the Wifirst network.
Wifirst provides the User with a Customer Service, accessible by phone, email or chat, to provide assistance regarding the implementation, installation and use of Wifirst Services.
This helpdesk is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be reached :
The Wifirst Service allows the User to access the Internet and its various services, including the World Wide Web (WWW), e-mails, online services, files exchanges, and more generally, the exchange of data across the network.
4.1 User authentification
The use of Wifirst Service is exclusively reserved to natural persons, over the age of legal majority and having a full legal capacity. In most cases, Wifirst requires Users to authenticate before activating the internet connection, either by submitting an e-mail address or by creating an account on the Captive Portal.
4.2 Right of access to the Wifirst Service
Depending on the Connection Locations, access to Wifirst Service may be charged, free of charge, or conditioned by a procedure defined by the Partner. For any paid service, the User should refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions, and any information made available to the User before the purchase.
5.1 The User guarantees the accuracy of the information provided during authentication. The User declares that s/he is informed and understands the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet and particularly the fact that (A) the transmission of Internet Data only has a relative reliability; that such transmission is done on various and heterogeneous networks, which characteristics and features may change over time, that such changes are likely to impact the Data transfer times or access time to Data; and that such networks may be saturated at certain times of the day; (B) the Data flowing over electronic communications networks can possibly be diverted and communication of confidential Data of the User is made at its own risk; (C) that the Internet is an open network and, consequently, the information it conveys is not protected against the risk of diversion, intrusion into the equipment, data piracy, programs and files or contamination by computer viruses of the User Device; (D) the User shall take all appropriate measures to (i) protect the Data, files or programs stored in the systems against contamination by viruses circulating on electronic communications networks including the Internet and intrusion attempts in the User Device and (ii) prevent the misuse of the Wifirst Service by potential third parties.
The User also acknowledges it has an obligation to monitor the use of the its own access to the Internet, which it is solely responsible for. In this respect, the User further undertakes that it will respect, or will make any third party using the Services on its behalf respect the following rules: (A) the Data flowing and / or made available on electronic communications networks (including Internet) must not contravene any applicable law, regulations, deontology charters, national and international regulations. In particular, any content promoting crimes and offenses, incitement to racial hatred or suicide, crimes against humanity, child pornography are strictly prohibited. Any content including violence or pornography is also strictly prohibited when the content is likely to be available to minors; (B) the User, by its behaviour and the Data it makes available, undertakes not to (i) infringe the rights of third parties, including reproduction, representation, or availability of communication to the public of works or objects protected by an intellectual property right, literary, artistic or industrial. The Data flowing or provided by any electronic communications network (including the Internet) and / or made available by means of audio-visual services can be regulated in terms of use or protected by a copyright or related right and the User is solely responsible for the use of the Data it consults, stores and makes available on any electronic communications networks (including the Internet) and through the Wifirst Services. The User is also solely responsible for the sharing of Data, images or sounds that may constitute defamation, insult, denigration or infringing the privacy, image rights, morality or public order; (ii) use the Wifirst Services for counterfeiting purposes (piracy); (iii) download files in illegal conditions, regardless of the means used, such as protected files (text, images, photographs, musical works, audio-visual works, computer software and video games); (iv) conduct intrusions into computer systems or "hacking"; (v) deliver viruses, or programs intended to harm; (vi) spread of e-mails in an unlawful manner; (C) provide or use Data allowing, by the creation of an hyperlink redirecting to websites or pages of third parties, to infringe a provision stated above.
5.3 As a result of the above mentioned and in full knowledge of the characteristics of the Wifirst Service, the User agrees that Wifirst cannot be held liable for the consequences of any occurrence of one or more of the facts mentioned above and that under the law in effect, Wifirst is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the Data transiting on its network, nor a general obligation to seek circumstances indicating illegal activity.
5.4 The User acknowledges that access to the Wifirst Service may be temporarily suspended, due to maintenance of the Wifirst network, upgrades or the occurrence of a Force Majeure (as defined below).
5.5 The User agrees that it shall not degrade, move, or steal any equipment installed by Wifirst in the Connection Location in order to provide the Wifirst Service.
The User acknowledges having read the following message from HADOPI: "You have just connected to a public Wi-Fi network, provided by Wifirst. By providing you with this Internet access, we would like to invite you to adopt a responsible attitude regarding the use of this Internet connection. Indeed, we are committed to the protection of creators' rights and would like to involve you in this process by inviting you not to illegally download content that contravenes intellectual property rights on the Internet. Sharing software such as "eMule" or "uTorrent", when connected to the internet, can automatically make downloaded files available. If sharing software has been used to download protected works, it is therefore preferable to deactivate it. The website, created by the HADOPI, lists several hundred cultural offers available online, all categories (free or paying) and cultural sectors (music, VOD, etc.) combined. To obtain all these offers, go to
Wifirst is expressly subject to an obligation of means in providing the Wifirst Service. Wifirst is not responsible for the quality of the Data transmission, information response time and possible restrictions of access to specific networks or services connected to the Internet.
Wifirst shall inform the User on how it uses its personal data on its Captive Portal and in Wifirst privacy policy. The User may view the latest version at the following web address:
Neither party shall be deemed in default or liable to the other party for any matter whatsoever for any delays in performance or from failure to perform or comply with the Terms of Use due to any force majeure event or cause beyond that party's reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of Government or other competent regulatory authority, telecommunications network operators, war or national emergency, riots, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, lightning, extremely severe weather, epidemic, general lock-outs, strikes and other industrial disputes.
Aplicable en España a partir del 15 de febrero de 2023
El usuario del Servicio Wifirst, en lo sucesivo denominado el “Usuario”.
Wifirst, una “société par actions simplifiées” francesa, con un capital social de 16.076.007 euros, con domicilio social en 26 rue de Berri, 75008 París y con N.I.F. español N-2501539-G, inscrita en el Registro Mercantil y de Sociedades de París con el número 441 757 614 y con número de IVA francés FR72441757614, cuya página web puede consultarse en, representada por su Presidente y denominada en lo sucesivo “Wifirst”.
Wifirst es un operador de redes y servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas, registrado ante la agencia francesa ARCEP (Autorité de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Électroniques).
En este contexto, Wifirst proporciona servicios de comunicaciones electrónicas basados en conectividad WiFi o Ethernet, dependiendo de la elegibilidad del lugar de conexión del Usuario (el “Servicio Wifirst”).
Las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso (“CGU”) tienen por objeto definir las condiciones de prestación del Servicio Wifirst y las condiciones de utilización del servicio por parte del Usuario.
Los términos en mayúsculas de las CGU tendrán el siguiente significado:
Colaborador: entidad que mantiene una relación comercial con Wifirst, en la que se instala la red y la infraestructura de Wifirst. El Servicio Wifirst se pone a disposición de los Usuarios, que pueden ser visitantes y/o clientes del Colaborador.
Datos: signos, señales, mensajes, escritos, imágenes, sonidos de cualquier tipo y, en general, cualquier contenido susceptible de ser almacenado, puesto a disposición, consultado, transportado o difundido.
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (Protocolo de configuración dinámica de host): se refiere a un protocolo de red cuya función es garantizar la configuración automática de los parámetros IP de un equipo, en particular asignándole automáticamente una dirección IP y una máscara de subred. DHCP también puede configurar la dirección de la puerta de enlace predeterminada y los servidores de nombres DNS.
DNS - Domain Name System (Sistema de Nombres de Dominio): se refiere al servicio que traduce un nombre de dominio en los distintos tipos de información asociados a él, incluidas las direcciones IP de la máquina que lleva ese nombre. Equipo: el dispositivo con el que el Usuario se conectará al servicio.
HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol (Protocolo de transferencia de hipertexto): se refiere al protocolo de comunicación cliente-servidor desarrollado para la World Wide Web. HTTPS (con S de seguro) es la versión cifrada de este protocolo.
IEEE: Instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos (organismo de normalización).
Internet: red mundial de intercambio de datos formada por servidores conectados por redes de comunicaciones electrónicas, accesible a cualquier usuario que disponga del equipo informático necesario.
IP o dirección IP: serie de números que identifican de forma unívoca un equipo en Internet.
Lugar de Conexión: designa el lugar físico (residencia, hotel, camping) donde el Usuario se conecta a la red Wifirst.
Navegador o explorador web: programa informático diseñado para acceder a la World Wide Web.
Página Web: Documento digital que puede integrar y/o contener texto, audio, imágenes, video, programas, enlaces y otros elementos, adaptado a los estándares de la World Wide Web y a la que se puede acceder a través de un Navegador y una conexión activa a Internet.
Portal cautivo: designa una técnica de autentificación que redirige la navegación web del Usuario al sitio web de Wifirst.
Servicio Wifirst: significa el acceso a Internet proporcionado al Usuario por Wifirst. El Servicio Wifirst también puede incluir, dependiendo del Lugar de Conexión, servicios adicionales como servicio telefónico y de televisión.
Usuario: toda persona física que utilice el Servicio Internet Wifirst.
WiFi: se refiere a un conjunto de protocolos de comunicación inalámbrica regidos por los estándares del grupo IEEE 802.11 (ISO/IEC 8802-11) y que permiten la transmisión de datos digitales de forma inalámbrica. Dependiendo del Lugar de Conexión y del Equipo del usuario, el acceso puede proporcionarse en particular de acuerdo con los estándares IEEE 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n o 802.11ac.
WWW - World Wide Web: comúnmente conocida como la Web, es un sistema público de hipertexto que opera en Internet. La Web permite la consulta de páginas webs accesibles en sitios webs con un Navegador.
Para beneficiarse de los Servicios Wifirst, el Usuario debe conectar previamente su Equipo a la red Wifirst. La conexión a la red Wifirst se realiza en tecnología WiFi. El Usuario debe asegurarse de que su Equipo es compatible con conexión WiFi (compatible con el estándar WiFi 4 como mínimo). Si el Lugar de Conexión lo permite, puede ser posible una conexión a la red Wifirst mediante cable Ethernet. A continuación, el Usuario debe conectar un cable entre el puerto Ethernet de su Equipo y una toma Ethernet de pared. El cable Ethernet se considera parte del Equipo del Usuario y no es proporcionado por Wifirst.
Una vez conectado el Equipo del Usuario a la red de Wifirst, el Usuario debe asegurarse de que el Equipo tiene una configuración de red estándar: en particular, una dirección IP y servidores DNS configurados para ser obtenidos de forma automática mediante el protocolo DHCP, así como cortafuegos y sistemas antivirus que no restrinjan la navegación por Internet. A continuación, el Usuario debe abrir su Navegador. Por lo general, el Usuario será redirigido automáticamente al Sitio Web de Wifirst, pero si no fuese así, el Usuario deberá introducir la dirección de la Página Web de Wifirst en su navegador ( Para beneficiarse de los Servicios Wifirst, el soporte HTTPS, las cookies y el lenguaje Javascript deben estar habilitados y en funcionamiento, y no debe estar activado ningún servidor proxy. Además, el Equipo del Usuario también debe tener una configuración compatible con los Servicios Wifirst: (a) un sistema operativo Microsoft Windows XP o posterior, o Mac OS X, (b) un mínimo de 1 gigabyte (GB) de RAM (se recomiendan 4 GB), (c) un sistema libre de virus, troyanos, malware, spyware, software de hacking o cualquier otro software que pueda ralentizar excesivamente el sistema del Usuario o perjudicar la seguridad o el correcto funcionamiento de la red Wifirst.
Wifirst pone a disposición del Usuario un servicio de atención al cliente, accesible por teléfono, correo electrónico o chat, para proporcionarle asistencia en la implementación, instalación y uso de los Servicios Wifirst. Este servicio de asistencia está disponible las 24 horas del día, los siete días de la semana, en las siguientes direcciones:
No obstante, si el Usuario considera que la respuesta a su solicitud no es satisfactoria o no se le ha proporcionado en el plazo de un (1) mes, podrá presentar por escrito una reclamación ante el servicio de atención al cliente en la siguiente dirección Servicio de Atención al Cliente de Wifirst, 26 rue de Berri, 75008 – Paris (Francia). A partir de la fecha de recepción de la carta de reclamación, el Servicio de Atención al Cliente se compromete, en el plazo máximo de un (1) mes (salvo que se haya acordado con el Usuario un plazo de tramitación más amplio), a proporcionar al Usuario una respuesta por escrito.
Por último, si el Usuario quedara insatisfecho con la respuesta recibida o si el escrito dirigido al servicio de atención al cliente no ha sido atendido durante más de un (1) mes, el Usuario podrá acudir gratuitamente a la Oficina de Atención al Usuario de Telecomunicaciones, directamente o a través de una asociación de consumidores, cumplimentando el formulario habilitado al efecto en la página web
El Servicio Wifirst permite al Usuario acceder a Internet y a sus distintos servicios, entre ellos la World Wide Web (WWW), el correo electrónico, la consulta de servicios en línea, el intercambio de archivos y, de forma más general, el intercambio de Datos a través de la red.
4.1 Identificación del usuario
La utilización del Servicio Wifirst está reservada exclusivamente a las personas físicas mayores de edad y con capacidad jurídica suficiente. Wifirst suele exigir que el Usuario se autentifique antes de activar su conexión a Internet, ya sea introduciendo una dirección de correo electrónico o creando una cuenta de usuario.
4.2 Derecho de acceso al servicio Wifirst
En función del Lugar de Conexión, el acceso al Servicio Wifirst es de pago, gratuito o condicionado por un procedimiento definido por el Colaborador. En cuanto a las ofertas de pago, el Usuario debe remitirse a las Condiciones Generales de Venta del Lugar de Conexión para obtener toda la información necesaria.
5.1 El Usuario garantiza la exactitud de la información facilitada durante la autentificación. El Usuario declara ser plenamente consciente de las características intrínsecas de Internet y, en particular, del hecho (A) de que la transmisión de Datos en Internet tiene una fiabilidad relativa, ya que los Datos circulan por redes heterogéneas, con características y capacidades variables, que en ocasiones están saturadas a determinadas horas del día y que pueden repercutir en el tiempo necesario para descargar o acceder a Datos; (B) que los Datos que circulan por las redes de comunicaciones electrónicas son susceptibles de ser interceptados y sufrir un uso indebido y que la comunicación por parte del Usuario de Datos confidenciales se realiza por su cuenta y riesgo; (C) que Internet es una red abierta y que, en consecuencia, la información que circula no está protegida contra los riesgos de uso indebido, intrusión en el Equipo, piratería de Datos, programas y ficheros del Equipo o contaminación por virus informáticos; (D) que le corresponde tomar todas las medidas apropiadas para (i) proteger los Datos, ficheros o programas almacenados en el Equipo contra los virus informáticos que se encuentren en las redes de comunicaciones electrónicas, en particular en Internet, y contra los intentos de intrusión en el Equipo y (ii) impedir el uso indebido por terceros del acceso puesto a su disposición.
5.2 El Usuario también reconoce que tiene la obligación de supervisar el uso de su acceso a Internet a través del Servicio Wifirst, del que es el único responsable. A este respecto, el Usuario también se compromete a respetar, o a hacer que cualquier persona que utilice los Servicios Wifirst respete, en particular, las siguientes normas: (A) los Datos a los que acceda y/o que circulen y/o que el Usuario ponga a disposición en las redes de comunicaciones electrónicas (en particular en Internet) no deben contravenir las leyes, reglamentos, códigos deontológicos o éticos, tanto nacionales como internacionales, en vigor. En particular, están estrictamente prohibidos los contenidos que tengan por objeto incitar a cometer delitos, incitar al odio racial o al suicidio, exaltar crímenes contra la humanidad o contenidos que contengan elementos de pornografía infantil. También están estrictamente prohibidos los contenidos de carácter violento o pornográfico que puedan ser accesibles a menores; (B) el Usuario, por su comportamiento y por los Datos que pone a disposición, consulta o comparte, se compromete a no (i) infringir los derechos de terceros, en particular reproduciendo, representando, poniendo a disposición o comunicando al público obras u objetos protegidos por un derecho de propiedad intelectual o industrial. Los Datos que circulan o se ponen a disposición en cualquier red de comunicaciones electrónicas (en particular en Internet) y/o mediante servicios audiovisuales pueden estar regulados en términos de uso o protegidos por derechos de autor o por un derecho conexo y el Usuario es el único responsable del uso de los Datos que consulta, almacena y pone a disposición en las redes de comunicación electrónica (en particular en Internet) y en los Servicios Wifirst. Asimismo, el Usuario es el único responsable de la divulgación de Datos, imágenes o sonidos que puedan constituir difamación, insulto, denigración o vulneración de la intimidad, del derecho a la imagen o al honor, o que atenten contra la moral o el orden público; (ii) utilizar los Servicios Wifirst con fines de falsificación; (iii) descargar archivos en condiciones ilícitas o poner a disposición, por cualquier medio, archivos protegidos (textos, imágenes, fotografías, obras musicales, obras audiovisuales, programas informáticos y videojuegos); (iv) introducirse ilícitamente en sistemas informáticos o “hackear”; (v) propagar virus informáticos o cualquier otro programa destinado a causar daños; (vi) difundir ilícitamente correos electrónicos; (C) proporcionar o utilizar Datos que, mediante la creación de un enlace de hipertexto a sitios o páginas webs de terceros, permitan infringir los apartados anteriores o, de forma más general, una disposición legal.
5.3 Como consecuencia de lo anterior y con pleno conocimiento de las características del Servicio Wifirst, el Usuario reconoce que Wifirst no será responsable de las consecuencias de la ocurrencia de cualquiera de los hechos anteriores y que, en virtud de la legislación aplicable, Wifirst no está sujeta a una obligación general de supervisar los Datos, ni a una obligación general de buscar hechos o circunstancias que indiquen actividades ilegales.
5.4 El Usuario reconoce que el acceso al Servicio Wifirst puede suspenderse temporalmente, debido al mantenimiento de la red Wifirst, a su mejora o a la materialización de un caso de fuerza mayor (como se define más adelante).
5.5 Por último, el Usuario se compromete a no dañar, degradar, mover o robar ningún Equipo instalado por Wifirst en el Lugar de Conexión con el fin de prestar el Servicio Wifirst.
Wifirst está expresamente sujeta a una obligación de medios en la prestación del Servicio Wifirst. Wifirst no es responsable de la calidad de la transmisión de Datos, los tiempos de respuesta de la información y las posibles restricciones de acceso a redes o servicios específicos conectados a Internet.
Asimismo, Wifirst se compromete a cumplir en todo momento con la normativa aplicable en vigor.
Wifirst informa al Usuario de la forma en que sus datos personales son utilizados por Wifirst en los soportes en los que se recogen dichos datos y en su política de protección de datos personales. El Usuario puede consultar la versión más actualizada de esta política en:
Las partes no serán responsables, ni se considerará que han incumplido las presentes CGU, por cualquier retraso o incumplimiento, cuando la causa del retraso o incumplimiento sea consecuencia de un caso de fuerza mayor, tal y como se define en la legislación española y la jurisprudencia posterior.
Las presentes CGU serán regidas por la ley española. En caso de que surja cualquier controversia en relación con la interpretación y cumplimiento de las presentes CGU, serán competentes los Juzgados y Tribunales del Lugar de Conexión.
Applicable in Spain as of 15th of February, 2023
The user of the Wifirst Service, hereinafter referred to as the "User"
Wifirst, a French “société par actions simplifiée” with registered capital of 16 076 007 euros, whose registered office is 26 rue de Berri 75008 Paris, registered with the Trade and Companies of Paris, under number 441 757 614, VAT number FR72441757614, whose website is available at, represented by its President, hereinafter referred to as "Wifirst".
Wifirst is an electronic communications network and services operator, regularly declared to the French Autorité de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Électroniques (ARCEP).
In this context, Wifirst provides electronic communications services based on WiFi or Ethernet connectivity, depending on the eligibility of the User's location (the “Wifirst Service”).
These Terms of Use are intended to define the terms of provision of the services and the conditions of use of such service to any User.
The terms and expressions with capital letters in the Terms of Use shall have the following meanings:
Captive Portal refers to an authentication technique of redirecting the User's web browser to the Wifirst website.
Connection Location means the physical location (home, hotel, camping, etc.) where the User connects to the Wifirst network.
Data means any sign, signal, message, writing, image, sound of any kind and, in general, any content that can be stored, made available, consulted, transported, and, or distributed.
DHCP means Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a network protocol which role is to ensure the automatic configuration of IP parameters of the User Device, including automatic assignment of an IP address and subnet mask.
DHCP can also configure the default gateway address and DNS name servers.
DNS means Domain Name System, the service translating a domain name into several types of information associated with it, including IP addresses of the machine with that name.
HTTP means HyperText Transfer Protocol, the client-server communication protocol developed for the World Wide Web. HTTPS (with S for secured) is the encrypted version of this protocol.
IEEE means the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a global standardisation agency.
Internet means the global network of data exchange composed of servers connected together by means of electronic communications networks, accessible to any user equipped with the necessary computer equipment.
IP or IP Address means the serial numbers that uniquely identify a device on the Internet.
Partner means an organisation having a business relationship with Wifirst. The Wifirst network and infrastructure may be installed within the Partner premises. The Wifirst Service is made available to Users that may be guests and/or clients of the Partner.
User Device means any device with which the User will connect to the Wifirst Service.
User means any individual who uses the WIFIRST Service.
Web Browser or Browser means the software designed to access the World Wide Web
WiFi: refers to a set of wireless communications protocols covered by the standards of the IEEE 802.11 group (ISO / IEC 8802-11), for transmitting digital Data wirelessly. Depending on the connection and Connection Location of the User Device, access can either be performed according to the IEEE 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n or 802.11ac standards.
Wifirst Service: refers to the Internet access service provided by Wifirst to the User. Service may also include, depending on the particular Connection Location, telephone service and television service.
World Wide Web or WWW, commonly known as the Web, is a public hypertext system operating on the Internet. The Web provides access with a Browser and accessible pages on sites.
In order to use the Wifirst Services, the User must first connect its User Device to the Wifirst network. Wifirst connects the Wifirst networks with WiFi technology. The User must ensure its User Device supports WiFi (should be compatible with WiFi 4, at the minimum). If the Connection Location allows, Wifirst may connect the Wifirst network with an Ethernet cable. In that case, the User must connect its User Device to an Ethernet cable plugged into the wall. The Ethernet cable is part of the User Device and is not provided by Wifirst.
Once the User Device is connected to the Wifirst network, the User must ensure that its device has a standard network configuration. This includes an IP address and DNS servers configured to be automatically obtained by DHCP, and a system of firewall and anti-virus not limiting the Web browsing. The User must then open the Web Browser. It will automatically be redirected to the Wifirst website, but if it is not the case, the User shall enter the following url in its Web Browser: To benefit from the Wifirst Services, the User Device shall also support HTTPS, allow for cookies, support Javascript, and no proxy server should be activated. The User Device also must have a configuration compatible with the Wifirst Services, as follows: (a) a Microsoft Windows XP operating system or later, or Mac OS X or later, (b) 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more (4 GB recommended), (c) a system free of any virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, hacking software or any other software that may impair the User experience or create a security threat to the Wifirst network.
Wifirst provides the User with a Customer Service, accessible by phone, email or chat, to provide assistance regarding the implementation, installation and use of Wifirst Services. This helpdesk is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be reached :
If, however, the Customer considers that the response to his/her complaint is not satisfactory or has not been provided within one (1) month, he/she may then submit a written appeal to the Consumer Service, at the following address Wifirst Consumer Service, 26 rue de Berri, 75008 - PARIS.
From the date of receipt of the letter, the Consumer Service undertakes, within a maximum of one (1) month (unless a longer processing time has been agreed with the User) to provide a written response to the User. Finally, if the User remains unsatisfied with the response given or if the letter to the Consumer Service has remained unanswered for more than one (1) month, the User may refer the matter free of charge to the Telecommunications User Service Office (Oficina de Atención al Usuario de Telecomunicaciones), either directly or through a consumer association, by completing the form provided for this purpose directly on the website
The Wifirst Service allows the User to access the Internet and its various services, including the World Wide Web (WWW), e-mails, online services, files exchanges, and more generally, the exchange of data across the network.
4.1 User authentication
The use of the Wifirst Service is exclusively reserved to natural persons, over the age of legal majority and having a full legal capacity. In most cases, Wifirst requires Users to authenticate before activating the internet connection, either by submitting an e-mail address or by creating an account on the Captive Portal.
4.2 Right of access to the Wifirst Service
Depending on the Connection Locations, access to the Wifirst Service may be charged, free, or conditioned by a procedure defined by the Partner. For any paid service, the User should refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions, and any information made available to the User before the purchase.
5.1 The User guarantees the accuracy of the information provided during authentication. The User declares that it is informed and understands the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet and particularly the fact that (A) the transmission of Internet Data only has a relative reliability; that such transmission is done on various and heterogeneous networks, which characteristics and features may change over time, that such changes are likely to impact the Data transfer times or access time to Data; and that such networks may be saturated at certain times of the day; (B) the Data flowing over electronic communications networks can possibly be diverted and communication of confidential Data of the User is made at its own risk; (C) that the Internet is an open network and, consequently, the information it conveys is not protected against the risk of diversion, intrusion into the equipment, data piracy, programs and files or contamination by computer viruses of the User Device; (D) the User shall take all appropriate measures to (i) protect the Data, files or programs stored in the systems against contamination by viruses circulating on electronic communications networks including the Internet and intrusion attempts in the User Device and (ii) prevent the misuse of the Wifirst Service by potential third parties.
5.2 The User also acknowledges it has an obligation to monitor the use of the its own access to the Internet, which it is solely responsible for. In this respect, the User further undertakes that it will respect, or will make any third party using the Services on its behalf respect the following rules: (A) the Data flowing and / or made available on electronic communications networks (including Internet) must not contravene any applicable law, regulations, deontology charters, national and international regulations. In particular, any content promoting crimes and offenses, incitement to racial hatred or suicide, crimes against humanity, child pornography are strictly prohibited. Any content including violence or pornography is also strictly prohibited when the content is likely to be available to minors; (B) the User, by its behaviour and the Data it makes available, undertakes not to (i) infringe the rights of third parties, including reproduction, representation, or availability of communication to the public of works or objects protected by an intellectual property right, literary, artistic or industrial. The Data flowing or provided by any electronic communications network (including the Internet) and / or made available by means of audio-visual services can be regulated in terms of use or protected by a copyright or related right and the User is solely responsible for the use of the Data it consults, stores and makes available on any electronic communications networks (including the Internet) and through the Wifirst Services. The User is also solely responsible for the sharing of Data, images or sounds that may constitute defamation, insult, denigration or infringing the privacy, image rights, morality or public order; (ii) use the Wifirst Services for counterfeiting purposes (piracy); (iii) download files in illegal conditions, regardless of the means used, such as protected files (text, images, photographs, musical works, audio-visual works, computer software and video games); (iv) conduct intrusions into computer systems or "hacking"; (v) deliver viruses, or programs intended to harm; (vi) spread of e-mails in an unlawful manner; (C) provide or use Data allowing, by the creation of an hyperlink redirecting to websites or pages of third parties, to infringe a provision stated above.
5.3 As a result of the above mentioned and in full knowledge of the characteristics of the Wifirst Service, the User agrees that Wifirst cannot be held liable for the consequences of any occurrence of one or more of the facts mentioned above and that under the law in effect, Wifirst is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the Data transiting on its network, nor a general obligation to seek circumstances indicating illegal activity.
5.4 The User acknowledges that access to the Wifirst Service may be temporarily suspended, due to maintenance of the Wifirst network, upgrades or the occurrence of a Force Majeure (as defined below).
5.5 The User agrees that it shall not degrade, move, or steal any equipment installed by Wifirst in the Connection Location in order to provide the Wifirst Service.
Wifirst is expressly subject to an obligation of means in providing the Wifirst Service. Wifirst is not responsible for the quality of the Data transmission, information response time and possible restrictions of access to specific networks or services connected to the Internet.
Wifirst shall inform the User on how it uses its personal data on its Captive Portal and in Wifirst privacy policy. The User may view the latest version at the following web address:
Neither party shall be deemed in default or liable to the other party for any delays in performance or from failure to perform or comply with the Terms of Use due to any force majeure event or cause beyond that party's reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of Government or other competent regulatory authority, telecommunications network operators, war or national emergency, riots, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, lightning, extremely severe weather, epidemic, general lock-outs, strikes and other industrial disputes.
The CGU is subject to Spanish law. All disputes that may arise in connection with the interpretation and/or performance of the CGU shall be subject, in the absence of an amicable agreement, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court within the jurisdiction of the Connection Location.
Applicable as of 30th of October, 2023
The user of the Wifirst Service, hereinafter referred to as the "User"
Wifirst UK Limited, whose registered office at 11 Old Jewry, London EC2R 8DU, United Kingdom, W1G 0PG, registered under Company number 10726760, whose website is available at, represented by its President, hereinafter referred to as "Wifirst".
Wifirst is an electronic communications network and services operator.
In this context, Wifirst provides electronic communications services based on WiFi or Ethernet connectivity, depending on the eligibility of the User's location (the “Wifirst Service”).
These Terms of Use are intended to define the terms of provision of the services and the conditions of use of such service to any User.
The terms and expressions with capital letters in the Terms of Use shall have the following meanings:
In order to use the Wifirst Services, the User must first connect its User Device to the Wifirst network. Wifirst connects the Wifirst networks with WiFi technology. The User must ensure its User Device supports WiFi (should be compatible with WiFi 4, at the minimum). If the Connection Location allows, Wifirst may connect the Wifirst network with an Ethernet cable. In that case, the User must connect its User Device to an Ethernet cable plugged into the wall. The Ethernet cable is part of the User Device and is not provided by Wifirst.
Once the User Device is connected to the Wifirst network, the User must ensure that its device has a standard network configuration. This includes an IP address and DNS servers configured to be automatically obtained by DHCP, and a system of firewall and anti-virus not limiting the Web browsing. The User must then open the Web Browser. It will automatically be redirected to the Wifirst website, but if it is not the case, the User shall enter the following url in its Web Browser: To benefit from the Wifirst Services, the User Device shall also support HTTPS, allow for cookies, support Javascript, and no proxy server should be activated. The User Device also must have a configuration compatible with the Wifirst Services, as follows: (a) a Microsoft Windows XP operating system or later, or Mac OS X or later, (b) 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more (4 GB recommended), (c) a system free of any virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, hacking software or any other software that may impair the User experience or create a security threat to the Wifirst network.
Wifirst provides the User with a Customer Service, accessible by phone, email or chat, to provide assistance regarding the implementation, installation and use of Wifirst Services.
This helpdesk is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be reached:
If, however, the Customer considers that the response to his/her complaint is not satisfactory or has not been provided within one (1) month, he/she may then submit a written appeal to the Consumer Service, at the following address Wifirst Consumer Service, 26 rue de Berri, 75008 - PARIS.
From the date of receipt of the letter, the Consumer Service undertakes, within a maximum of one (1) month (unless a longer processing time has been agreed with the User) to provide a written response to the User.
Finally, if the User remains unsatisfied with the response given or if the letter to the Consumer Service has remained unanswered for more than two (2) months, the User may refer the matter to an appropriate Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme.
The Wifirst Service allows the User to access the Internet and its various services, including the World Wide Web (WWW), e-mails, online services, files exchanges, and more generally, the exchange of data across the network.
4.1 User authentication
The use of the Wifirst Service is exclusively reserved to natural persons, over the age of legal majority and having a full legal capacity. In most cases, Wifirst requires Users to authenticate before activating the internet connection, either by submitting an e-mail address or by creating an account on the Captive Portal.
4.2 Right of access to the Wifirst Service
Depending on the Connection Locations, access to the Wifirst Service may be charged, free, or conditioned by a procedure defined by the Partner. For any paid service, the User should refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions, and any information made available to the User before the purchase.
5.1 The User guarantees the accuracy of the information provided during authentication. The User declares that it is informed and understands the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet and particularly the fact that (A) the transmission of Internet Data only has a relative reliability; that such transmission is done on various and heterogeneous networks, which characteristics and features may change over time, that such changes are likely to impact the Data transfer times or access time to Data; and that such networks may be saturated at certain times of the day; (B) the Data flowing over electronic communications networks can possibly be diverted and communication of confidential Data of the User is made at its own risk; (C) that the Internet is an open network and, consequently, the information it conveys is not protected against the risk of diversion, intrusion into the equipment, data piracy, programs and files or contamination by computer viruses of the User Device; (D) the User shall take all appropriate measures to (i) protect the Data, files or programs stored in the systems against contamination by viruses circulating on electronic communications networks including the Internet and intrusion attempts in the User Device and (ii) prevent the misuse of the Wifirst Service by potential third parties.
5.2 The User also acknowledges it has an obligation to monitor the use of the its own access to the Internet, which it is solely responsible for. In this respect, the User further undertakes that it will respect, or will make any third party using the Services on its behalf respect the following rules: (A) the Data flowing and / or made available on electronic communications networks (including Internet) must not contravene any applicable law, regulations, deontology charters, national and international regulations. In particular, any content promoting crimes and offenses, incitement to racial hatred or suicide, crimes against humanity, child pornography are strictly prohibited. Any content including violence or pornography is also strictly prohibited when the content is likely to be available to minors; (B) the User, by its behaviour and the Data it makes available, undertakes not to (i) infringe the rights of third parties, including reproduction, representation, or availability of communication to the public of works or objects protected by an intellectual property right, literary, artistic or industrial. The Data flowing or provided by any electronic communications network (including the Internet) and / or made available by means of audio-visual services can be regulated in terms of use or protected by a copyright or related right and the User is solely responsible for the use of the Data it consults, stores and makes available on any electronic communications networks (including the Internet) and through the Wifirst Services. The User is also solely responsible for the sharing of Data, images or sounds that may constitute defamation, insult, denigration or infringing the privacy, image rights, morality or public order; (ii) use the Wifirst Services for counterfeiting purposes (piracy); (iii) download files in illegal conditions, regardless of the means used, such as protected files (text, images, photographs, musical works, audio-visual works, computer software and video games); (iv) conduct intrusions into computer systems or "hacking"; (v) deliver viruses, or programs intended to harm; (vi) spread of e-mails in an unlawful manner; (C) provide or use Data allowing, by the creation of an hyperlink redirecting to websites or pages of third parties, to infringe a provision stated above.
5.3 As a result of the above mentioned and in full knowledge of the characteristics of the Wifirst Service, the User agrees that Wifirst cannot be held liable for the consequences of any occurrence of one or more of the facts mentioned above and that under the law in effect, Wifirst is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the Data transiting on its network, nor a general obligation to seek circumstances indicating illegal activity.
5.4 The User acknowledges that access to the Wifirst Service may be temporarily suspended, due to maintenance of the Wifirst network, upgrades or the occurrence of a Force Majeure (as defined below).
5.5 The User agrees that it shall not degrade, move, or steal any equipment installed by Wifirst in the Connection Location in order to provide the Wifirst Service.
Wifirst is expressly subject to an obligation of means in providing the Wifirst Service. Wifirst is not responsible for the quality of the Data transmission, information response time and possible restrictions of access to specific networks or services connected to the Internet.
Wifirst shall inform the User on how it uses its personal data on its Captive Portal and in Wifirst privacy policy. The User may view the latest version by clicking on the following hyperlink: Privacy Policy
Neither party shall be deemed in default or liable to the other party for any delays in performance or from failure to perform or comply with the Terms of Use due to any force majeure event or cause beyond that party's reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of Government or other competent regulatory authority, telecommunications network operators, war or national emergency, riots, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, lightning, extremely severe weather, epidemic, general lock-outs, strikes and other industrial disputes.
The CGU is subject to English law. All disputes that may arise in connection with the interpretation and/or performance of the CGU shall be subject, in the absence of an amicable agreement, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court within the jurisdiction of the Connection Location.
Applicabile dal 1 maggio 2023
L'utente del Servizio Wifirst, di seguito denominato "Utente".
Wifirst S.r.l. (C.F. 12942340964) con sede legale in Corso Giacomo Matteotti 1, Milano (MI) – 20121, il cui sito web è consultabile all'indirizzo, in persona del legale rappresentante pro tempore, di seguito denominata "Wifirst"
Wifirst è un operatore di reti e servizi di comunicazione elettronica, regolarmente dichiarato all’Autorità Garante per le Comunicazioni.
Wifirst offre l'accesso a servizi di comunicazione elettronica basati, a seconda dell'idoneità del luogo di connessione dell'Utente, su una connessione WiFi o Ethernet per l'Utente.
Le presenti Condizioni Generali d'Uso ("CGU") hanno lo scopo di definire i termini e le condizioni di fornitura del Servizio Wifirst e le condizioni di utilizzo del servizio da parte dell'Utente.
Si specifica che le presenti Condizioni Generali d’Uso devono essere approvate da ogni Utente prima di avere accesso alla connessione fornita da Wifirst.
I termini in maiuscolo contenuti nelle CGU hanno il seguente significato:
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: si riferisce a un protocollo di rete il cui ruolo è quello di garantire la configurazione automatica dei parametri IP di un'apparecchiatura, in particolare assegnandole automaticamente un indirizzo IP e una maschera di sottorete. Il DHCP può anche configurare l'indirizzo del gateway predefinito e i server dei nomi DNS.
DNS - Domain Name System (Sistema dei nomi di dominio) si riferisce al servizio che traduce un nome di dominio nei vari tipi di informazioni ad esso associate, compresi gli indirizzi IP della macchina che porta quel nome.
Dati: segni, segnali, messaggi, scritti, immagini, suoni di qualsiasi tipo e, in generale, qualsiasi contenuto che possa essere memorizzato, reso disponibile, consultato, trasportato o trasmesso. Apparecchiatura / Apparecchio: il dispositivo con cui l'Utente si connette al servizio.
HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol: si riferisce al protocollo di comunicazione client-server sviluppato per il World Wide Web. HTTPS (con la S di secured) è la versione criptata di questo protocollo.
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (organismo di standardizzazione).
Internet: rete mondiale di scambio dati costituita da server collegati da reti di comunicazione elettronica, accessibile a qualsiasi utente che disponga delle necessarie attrezzature informatiche.
IP o indirizzo IP: una serie di numeri che identificano in modo univoco un'apparecchiatura su Internet.
Luogo di connessione: indica il luogo fisico (residenza, hotel, campeggio) in cui l'Utente si connette alla rete Wifirst.
Browser: indica un software progettato per accedere al World Wide Web.
Partner: indica il rivenditore partner di Wifirst in cui è installata l'infrastruttura Wifirst. La rete WiFi è quindi installata per i clienti del Partner.
Captive Portal: indica una tecnica di autenticazione che reindirizza la navigazione dell'Utente al sito web di Wifirst.
Servizio Wifirst: indica l'accesso a Internet fornito all'Utente da Wifirst. Il Servizio Wifirst può anche includere, a seconda del luogo di connessione, servizi aggiuntivi.
Utente: indica qualsiasi persona fisica che utilizza il Servizio Internet di Wifirst.
WiFi: si riferisce a una serie di protocolli di comunicazione wireless regolati dagli standard del gruppo IEEE 802.11 (ISO/IEC 8802-11) e che consentono la trasmissione di dati digitali senza la necessità di fili. A seconda del luogo di connessione e dell'apparecchiatura dell'utente, l'accesso può essere fornito in particolare secondo gli standard IEEE 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n o 802.11ac.
WWW - World Wide Web, comunemente chiamato Web e talvolta World Wide Web, è un sistema ipertestuale pubblico che opera su Internet. Il Web consente la consultazione di pagine accessibili sui siti con un browser.
Per poter usufruire dei Servizi Wifirst, l'Utente deve innanzitutto collegare il proprio apparecchio alla rete Wifirst. La connessione alla rete Wifirst avviene in tecnologia WiFi. L'Utente deve quindi assicurarsi che il suo Apparecchio sia abilitato al WiFi (compatibile almeno con lo standard WiFi 4). Se il luogo di connessione lo consente, è possibile collegarsi alla rete Wifirst tramite cavo Ethernet. L'Utente deve quindi collegare un cavo tra la porta Ethernet del suo Apparecchio e una presa a muro Ethernet. Il cavo Ethernet è considerato parte dell'Apparecchiatura dell'Utente e generalmente non viene fornito da Wifirst.
Una volta che l'Apparecchiatura dell'Utente è connessa alla rete di Wifirst, l'Utente deve assicurarsi che l'Apparecchiatura abbia una configurazione di rete standard: in particolare, un indirizzo IP e server DNS configurati per essere ottenuti automaticamente tramite il protocollo DHCP, e un firewall e un sistema antivirus che non limitino la navigazione in Internet. L'utente deve quindi aprire il suo browser Internet. Di solito l'Utente viene reindirizzato automaticamente al Sito Web Wifirst, ma se ciò non avviene, l'Utente deve inserire l'indirizzo del Sito Web Wifirst nel proprio browser ( Per poter usufruire dei Servizi Wifirst, HTTPS, cookies e Javascript devono essere abilitati e funzionanti, e non deve essere attivato alcun server proxy. L'Apparecchiatura dell'Utente deve inoltre avere una configurazione compatibile con i Servizi Wifirst: (a) un sistema operativo Microsoft Windows XP o successivo, o Mac OS X, (b) un minimo di 1 gigabyte (GB) di RAM (4 GB consigliati), (c) un sistema privo di virus, trojan, worm, spyware, software di hacking o qualsiasi altro software che possa rallentare eccessivamente il sistema dell'Utente o interferire con la sicurezza o il corretto funzionamento della rete Wifirst.
Wifirst mette a disposizione dell'Utente un Servizio Clienti, accessibile via telefono, e-mail o chat, per fornire assistenza in merito all'implementazione, all'installazione e all'utilizzo dei Servizi Wifirst. L'helpdesk è attivo 24 ore su 24, sette giorni su sette, e può essere contattato:
• per telefono al numero +34 93 737 9312(non a pagamento); • via e-mail a;
• tramite chat sul portale di accesso.
Se, tuttavia, il Cliente ritiene che la risposta al suo reclamo non sia soddisfacente o non sia stata fornita entro un (1) mese, può presentare un ricorso scritto in italiano al Servizio Consumatori al seguente indirizzo Wifirst Consumer Service, 26 rue de Berri, 75008 – PARIGI.
A partire dalla data di ricezione della lettera, il Servizio Consumatori dipartimento per i consumatori si impegna, entro un massimo di un (1) mese (a meno che non sia stato concordato con l'Utente un tempo di elaborazione più lungo), a fornire all'Utente una risposta scritta.
Se l'Utente rimane insoddisfatto della risposta fornita o se la lettera al dipartimento per i consumatori è rimasta senza risposta per più di un (1) mese, l'Utente può avviare la procedura prevista dal Regolamento per la soluzione delle controversie tra utenti ed operatori di comunicazioni elettroniche approvato dall’Autorità Italiana per Le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM) (delibera n. 203/18/CONS), anche accedendo alla piattaforma online :
Il Servizio Wifirst consente all'Utente di accedere a Internet e ai suoi diversi servizi, tra cui il World Wide Web (WWW), la posta elettronica, la consultazione di servizi online, lo scambio di file e, più in generale, lo scambio di Dati attraverso la rete.
4.1 Identificazione dell'utente
L'utilizzo del Servizio Wifirst è riservato esclusivamente alle persone fisiche maggiorenni. Wifirst solitamente richiede all'Utente di autenticarsi prima di attivare la sua connessione a Internet, inserendo un indirizzo e-mail o creando un account utente.
4.2 Diritto di accesso al Servizio Wifirst
A seconda del Luogo di connessione, l'accesso al Servizio Wifirst è a pagamento, gratuito o condizionato da una procedura definita dal Partner. Per quanto riguarda le offerte a pagamento, l'Utente deve fare riferimento alle Condizioni Generali di Vendita del Luogo di Connessione per ottenere tutte le informazioni dedicate.
5.1 L'Utente garantisce l'accuratezza delle informazioni fornite durante l'identificazione. L'Utente dichiara di essere consapevole delle caratteristiche intrinseche di Internet e in particolare del fatto che (a) la trasmissione dei Dati su Internet è solo relativamente affidabile, in quanto i Dati circolano su reti eterogenee, con caratteristiche e capacità variabili, che a volte sono sature in determinate ore del giorno e che possono avere un impatto sul tempo necessario per caricare o accedere ai Dati; (b) che i Dati che circolano sulle reti di comunicazione elettronica possono essere deviati e che la comunicazione di Dati riservati da parte dell'Utente avviene a suo rischio e pericolo; (c) che Internet è una rete aperta e che, di conseguenza, le informazioni che trasporta non sono protette contro i rischi di appropriazione indebita, di intrusione nell'Apparecchiatura, di pirateria dei Dati, dei programmi e dei file dell'Apparecchiatura o di contaminazione da parte di virus informatici; (d) che spetta a lui prendere tutte le misure appropriate al fine di (i) proteggere i Dati, i file o i programmi memorizzati nell'Apparecchiatura contro la contaminazione da parte di virus che circolano sulle reti di comunicazione elettronica, in particolare su Internet, e contro i tentativi di intrusione nell'Apparecchiatura e (ii) impedire l'uso improprio da parte di terzi dell'accesso messo a disposizione.
5.2 L'Utente riconosce inoltre di avere l'obbligo di controllare l'uso del proprio accesso a Internet attraverso il Servizio Wifirst, di cui è l'unico responsabile. A questo proposito, l'Utente si impegna anche a rispettare, o a far rispettare a chiunque utilizzi i Servizi Wifirst, in particolare le seguenti regole: (a) i Dati a cui si accede e/o che circolano e/o che vengono messi a disposizione dall'Utente su reti di comunicazione elettronica (in particolare su Internet) non devono contravvenire alle leggi, ai regolamenti, alle carte di pratica o all'etica, sia nazionali che internazionali in vigore. In particolare, è severamente vietato qualsiasi contenuto finalizzato all'istigazione a crimini e delitti, all'incitamento all'odio razziale o al suicidio, alla glorificazione di crimini contro l'umanità, o che contenga elementi di pornografia infantile; è severamente vietato qualsiasi contenuto di natura violenta o pornografica che possa essere accessibile ai minori; (b) l'Utente, con il suo comportamento e con i Dati che mette a disposizione, consulta o condivide, si impegna a non (i) violare i diritti di terzi, in particolare riproducendo, rappresentando, mettendo a disposizione o comunicando al pubblico opere o oggetti protetti da un diritto di proprietà intellettuale, letteraria, artistica o industriale. I Dati che circolano o vengono messi a disposizione su qualsiasi rete di comunicazione elettronica (in particolare su Internet) e/o resi disponibili tramite i servizi audiovisivi possono essere regolamentati
in termini di utilizzo o protetti dal diritto d'autore o da un diritto affine e l'Utente è l'unico responsabile dell'utilizzo dei Dati che consulta, (i) utilizzare i Servizi Wifirst in modo illegale o vietato dalla legge, dai regolamenti, dagli usi o dal diritto d'autore e l'Utente è l'unico responsabile dell'uso dei Dati che consulta, memorizza e rende disponibili sulle reti di comunicazione elettronica (inclusa Internet) e sui Servizi Wifirst, della diffusione di Dati, immagini o suoni che possono costituire diffamazione, calunnia, denigrazione o che possono violare la privacy, i diritti di pubblicità, la reputazione, la decenza pubblica o l'ordine pubblico; (ii) utilizzare i Servizi Wifirst a fini di contraffazione (pirateria); (iii) scaricare file in condizioni illecite o rendere disponibili, con qualsiasi mezzo, file protetti (testi, immagini, fotografie, opere musicali, opere audiovisive, software e videogiochi); (iv) intromettersi nei sistemi informatici o "hackerare"; (v) diffondere virus o qualsiasi altro programma destinato a causare danni; (vi) diffondere posta elettronica in condizioni illecite; (c) fornire o utilizzare Dati che, attraverso la creazione di un collegamento ipertestuale a siti o pagine di terzi, consentano di violare la disposizione di cui sopra o, più in generale, una disposizione di legge.
5.3 In conseguenza di quanto sopra e con piena consapevolezza delle caratteristiche del Servizio Wifirst, l'Utente riconosce che Wifirst non sarà responsabile delle conseguenze del verificarsi di uno dei suddetti eventi e che, ai sensi della legge applicabile, Wifirst non è soggetta a un obbligo generale di monitoraggio dei Dati, né a un obbligo generale di ricercare fatti o circostanze che indichino attività illegali.
5.4 L'Utente riconosce che l'accesso al Servizio Wifirst può essere temporaneamente sospeso, a causa della manutenzione della rete Wifirst, del suo miglioramento o del verificarsi di un evento di forza maggiore.
5.5 Infine, l'Utente si impegna a non danneggiare alcun tipo di apparecchiatura installata da Wifirst presso il proprio Punto di connessione.
Wifirst è espressamente soggetta ad una obbligazione di mezzi nel fornire il Servizio Wifirst. Wifirst non è responsabile della qualità della trasmissione dei Dati, dei tempi di risposta delle informazioni e delle eventuali restrizioni di accesso a reti o servizi specifici collegati a Internet.
Wifirst informa l'Utente del modo in cui i suoi dati personali sono utilizzati da Wifirst sui mezzi di comunicazione in cui i dati sono raccolti e nella sua politica di gestione dei dati personali. L'Utente può consultare la versione più aggiornata di questa privacy policy all'indirizzo: Privacy%20policy%20Wifirst-IT-V1.pdf
Le parti non saranno responsabili, né si riterrà che abbiano violato i presenti termini e condizioni d'uso, per qualsiasi ritardo o inadempimento, qualora la causa del ritardo o dell'inadempimento sia legata a cause di forza maggiore.
Applicable as of 1st of May, 2023
The user of the Wifirst Service, hereinafter referred to as the "User"
Wifirst, S.r.l. (C.F. 12942340964), whose registered office is Corso Giacomo Matteotti 1, Milano (MI) – 20121, whose website is available at, represented by its President, hereinafter referred to as "Wifirst".
PREAMBLE Wifirst is an electronic communications network and services operator. In this context, Wifirst provides electronic communications services based on WiFi or Ethernet connectivity, depending on the eligibility of the User's location (the “Wifirst Service”). These Terms of Use are intended to define the terms of provision of the services and the conditions of use of such service to any User.
ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS The terms and expressions with capital letters in the Terms of Use shall have the following meanings:
● Captive Portal refers to an authentication technique of redirecting the User's web browser to the Wifirst website.
● Connection Location means the physical location (home, hotel, camping, etc.) where the User connects to the Wifirst network.
● Data means any sign, signal, message, writing, image, sound of any kind and, in general, any content that can be stored, made available, consulted, transported, and, or distributed.
● DHCP means Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a network protocol which role is to ensure the automatic configuration of IP parameters of the User Device, including automatic assignment of an IP address and subnet mask. DHCP can also configure the default gateway address and DNS name servers.
● DNS means Domain Name System, the service translating a domain name into several types of information associated with it, including IP addresses of the machine with that name.
● HTTP means HyperText Transfer Protocol, the client-server communication protocol developed for the World Wide Web. HTTPS (with S for secured) is the encrypted version of this protocol.
● IEEE means the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a global standardisation agency.
● Internet means the global network of data exchange composed of servers connected together by means of electronic communications networks, accessible to any user equipped with the necessary computer equipment.
● IP or IP Address means the serial numbers that uniquely identify a device on the Internet.
● Partner means an organisation having a business relationship with Wifirst. The Wifirst network and infrastructure may be installed within the Partner premises. The Wifirst Service is made available to Users that may be guests and/or clients of the Partner.
● User Device means any device with which the User will connect to the Wifirst Service.
● User means any individual who uses the WIFIRST Service.
● Web Browser or Browser means the software designed to access the World Wide Web
● WiFi: refers to a set of wireless communications protocols covered by the standards of the IEEE 802.11 group (ISO / IEC 8802-11), for transmitting digital Data wirelessly. Depending on the connection and Connection Location of the User Device, access can either be performed according to the IEEE 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n or 802.11ac standards.
● Wifirst Service: refers to the Internet access service provided by Wifirst to the User. Service may also include, depending on the particular Connection Location, telephone service and television service.
● World Wide Web or WWW, commonly known as the Web, is a public hypertext system operating on the Internet. The Web provides access with a Browser and accessible pages on sites.
In order to use the Wifirst Services, the User must first connect its User Device to the Wifirst network. Wifirst connects the Wifirst networks with WiFi technology. The User must ensure its User Device supports WiFi (should be compatible with WiFi 4, at the minimum). If the Connection Location allows, Wifirst may connect the Wifirst network with an Ethernet cable. In that case, the User must connect its User Device to an Ethernet cable plugged into the wall. The Ethernet cable is part of the User Device and is not provided by Wifirst.
Once the User Device is connected to the Wifirst network, the User must ensure that its device has a standard network configuration. This includes an IP address and DNS servers configured to be automatically obtained by DHCP, and a system of firewall and antivirus not limiting the Web browsing. The User must then open the Web Browser. It will automatically be redirected to the Wifirst website, but if it is not the case, the User shall enter the following url in its Web Browser: To benefit from the Wifirst Services, the User Device shall also support HTTPS, allow for cookies, support Javascript, and no proxy server should be activated. The User Device also must have a configuration compatible with the Wifirst Services, as follows: (a) a Microsoft Windows XP operating system or later, or Mac OS X or later, (b) 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more (4 GB recommended), (c) a system free of any virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, hacking software or any other software that may impair the User experience or create a security threat to the Wifirst network.
Wifirst provides the User with a Customer Service, accessible by phone, email or chat, to provide assistance regarding the implementation, installation and use of Wifirst Services. This helpdesk is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be reached :
● by telephone at +34 93 737 93 12 (toll-free number);
● by email at;
● by chat directly on the connection portal. If, however, the Customer considers that the response to his/her complaint is not satisfactory or has not been provided within one (1) month, he/she may then submit a written appeal to the Consumer Service, at the following address Wifirst Consumer Service, 26 rue de Berri, 75008 - PARIS.
From the date of receipt of the letter, the Consumer Service undertakes, within a maximum of one (1) month (unless a longer processing time has been agreed with the User) to provide a written response to the User.
Finally, if the User remains unsatisfied with the response given or if the letter to the Consumer Service has remained unanswered for more than one (1) month, the User may initiate the procedure set out in the Regulation for the resolution of disputes between users and electronic communications operators approved by the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) (resolution n. 203/18/CONS), also by accessing the platform online :
The Wifirst Service allows the User to access the Internet and its various services, including the World Wide Web (WWW), e-mails, online services, files exchanges, and more generally, the exchange of data across the network.
4.1 User authentication The use of the Wifirst Service is exclusively reserved to natural persons, over the age of legal majority and having a full legal capacity. In most cases, Wifirst requires Users to authenticate before activating the internet connection, either by submitting an e-mail address or by creating an account on the Captive Portal.
4.2 Right of access to the Wifirst Service Depending on the Connection Locations, access to the Wifirst Service may be charged, free, or conditioned by a procedure defined by the Partner. For any paid service, the User should refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions, and any information made available to the User before the purchase.
5.1 The User guarantees the accuracy of the information provided during authentication. The User declares that it is informed and understands the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet and particularly the fact that (A) the transmission of Internet Data only has a relative reliability; that such transmission is done on various and heterogeneous networks, which characteristics and features may change over time, that such changes are likely to impact the Data transfer times or access time to Data; and that such networks may be saturated at certain times of the day; (B) the Data flowing over electronic communications networks can possibly be diverted and communication of confidential Data of the User is made at its own risk; (C) that the Internet is an open network and, consequently, the information it conveys is not protected against the risk of diversion, intrusion into the equipment, data piracy, programs and files or contamination by computer viruses of the User Device; (D) the User shall take all appropriate measures to (i) protect the Data, files or programs stored in the systems against contamination by viruses circulating on electronic communications networks including the Internet and intrusion attempts in the User Device and (ii) prevent the misuse of the Wifirst Service by potential third parties.
5.2 The User also acknowledges it has an obligation to monitor the use of the its own access to the Internet, which it is solely responsible for. In this respect, the User further undertakes that it will respect, or will make any third party using the Services on its behalf respect the following rules: (A) the Data flowing and / or made available on electronic communications networks (including Internet) must not contravene any applicable law, regulations, deontology charters, national and international regulations. In particular, any content promoting crimes and offenses, incitement to racial hatred or suicide, crimes against humanity, child pornography are strictly prohibited. Any content including violence or pornography is also strictly prohibited when the content is likely to be available to minors; (B) the User, by its behaviour and the Data it makes available, undertakes not to (i) infringe the rights of third parties, including reproduction, representation, or availability of communication to the public of works or objects protected by an intellectual property right, literary, artistic or industrial. The Data flowing or provided by any electronic communications network (including the Internet) and / or made available by means of audio-visual services can be regulated in terms of use or protected by a copyright or related right and the User is solely responsible for the use of the Data it consults, stores and makes available on any electronic communications networks (including the Internet) and through the Wifirst Services. The User is also solely responsible for the sharing of Data, images or sounds that may constitute defamation, insult, denigration or infringing the privacy, image rights, morality or public order; (ii) use the Wifirst Services for counterfeiting purposes (piracy); (iii) download files in illegal conditions, regardless of the means used, such as protected files (text, images, photographs, musical works, audio-visual works, computer software and video games); (iv) conduct intrusions into computer systems or "hacking"; (v) deliver viruses, or programs intended to harm; (vi) spread of e-mails in an unlawful manner; (C) provide or use Data allowing, by the creation of an hyperlink redirecting to websites or pages of third parties, to infringe a provision stated above.
5.3 As a result of the above mentioned and in full knowledge of the characteristics of the Wifirst Service, the User agrees that Wifirst cannot be held liable for the consequences of any occurrence of one or more of the facts mentioned above and that under the law in effect, Wifirst is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the Data transiting on its network, nor a general obligation to seek circumstances indicating illegal activity.
5.4 The User acknowledges that access to the Wifirst Service may be temporarily suspended, due to maintenance of the Wifirst network, upgrades or the occurrence of a Force Majeure (as defined below).
5.5 The User agrees that it shall not degrade, move, or steal any equipment installed by Wifirst in the Connection Location in order to provide the Wifirst Service.
Wifirst is expressly subject to an obligation of means in providing the Wifirst Service. Wifirst is not responsible for the quality of the Data transmission, information response time and possible restrictions of access to specific networks or services connected to the Internet.
Wifirst shall inform the User on how it uses its personal data on its Captive Portal and in Wifirst privacy policy. The User may view the latest version at the following web address: ARTICLE
Neither party shall be deemed in default or liable to the other party for any delays in performance or from failure to perform or comply with the Terms of Use due to any force majeure event or cause beyond that party's reasonable control.
Gültig ab dem 13. Juni, 2023
Der Nutzer des Wifirst-Dienstes, im Folgenden als "Nutzer" bezeichnet
Wifirst, eine französische „société par actions simplifiée" mit einem Stammkapital von 16 076 007 Euro, mit Sitz in 26 rue de Berri 75008 Paris, eingetragen im Handels- und Gesellschaftsregister von Paris unter der Nummer: 441 757 614, Umsatzsteuernummer: FR72441757614, deren Website unter abrufbar ist, vertreten durch ihren Präsidenten, im Folgenden „Wifirst" genannt.
Wifirst ist ein Betreiber von elektronischen Kommunikationsnetzen und -diensten.
In diesem Kommunikationsdienste auf der Grundlage von WiFi- oder Ethernet- Konnektivität an, je nach der Eignung des Standortes des Nutzers (der "Wifirst-Dienst") Diese Nutzungsbedingungen sollen die Bedingungen für die Erbringung der Dienstleistungen und die Bedingungen für die Nutzung eines solchen Dienstes für jeden Benutzer zu definieren.
Die Begriffe und Ausdrücke mit Großbuchstaben in den Nutzungsbedingungen haben die folgenden Bedeutungen:
Benutzergerät bezeichnet jedes Gerät, mit dem sich der Benutzer mit dem Wifirst-Dienst verbindet.
Captive Portal bezieht sich auf eine Authentifizierungstechnik, bei der der Webbrowser des Benutzers auf die Wifirst-Website umgeleitet wird.
Daten sind alle Zeichen, Signale, Nachrichten, Schriftstücke, Bilder, Töne jeglicher Art und ganz allgemein alle Inhalte, die gespeichert, zugänglich gemacht, abgefragt, transportiert oder verbreitet werden können.
DHCP bedeutet Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, ein Netzwerkprotokoll, dessen Aufgabe es ist, die automatische Konfiguration der IP-Parameter des Benutzergeräts sicherzustellen, einschließlich der automatischen Zuweisung einer IP-Adresse und einer Subnetzmaske. DHCP kann auch die Standard-Gateway-Adresse und DNS-Namensserver konfigurieren.
DNS bedeutet Domain Name System, der Dienst, der einen Domänennamen in verschiedene Arten von Informationen übersetzt, die mit ihm verbunden sind, einschließlich der IP- Adressen des Rechners mit diesem Namen.
HTTP bedeutet HyperText Transfer Protocol, das für das World Wide Web entwickelte Client-Server-Kommunikationsprotokoll. HTTPS (mit S für gesichert) ist die verschlüsselte Version dieses Protokolls.
IEEE steht für das Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, eine weltweite Normungsorganisation.
Internet ist das weltweite Datenaustauschnetz, das aus Servern besteht, die über elektronische Kommunikationsnetze miteinander verbunden sind, und das für jeden Benutzer mit der erforderlichen Computerausrüstung zugänglich ist.
IP oder IP-Adresse bezeichnet die Seriennummern, die ein Gerät im Internet eindeutig identifizieren.
Partner ist ein Unternehmen, die eine Geschäftsbeziehung mit Wifirst unterhält. Das Netz und die Infrastruktur von Wifirst können in den Räumlichkeiten des Partners installiert werden. Der WifirstDienst wird Nutzern zur Verfügung gestellt, die Gäste und/oderKunden des Partners sein können.
Nutzer bezeichnet jede Person, die den WIFIRST-Dienst nutzt.
Verbindungsort bezeichnet den physischen Ort (Wohnung, Hotel, Campingplatz usw.), an dem sich der Nutzer mit dem Wifirst-Netzwerk verbindet.
Web Browser oder Browser bezeichnet die Software, die für den Zugang zum World Wide Web entwickelt wurde.
WiFi bezieht sich auf eine Reihe von drahtlosen Kommunikationsprotokollen, die von den Standards der IEEE 802.11 Gruppe (ISO / IEC 8802-11) abgedeckt werden, um digitale Daten drahtlos zu übertragen. Abhängig von der Verbindung und dem Verbindungsort des Benutzergeräts kann der Zugang entweder nach den Standards IEEE 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n oder 802.11ac erfolgen.
Wifirst-Dienst ist der Internetzugangsdienst, der dem Nutzer von Wifirst zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Der Dienst kann auch, abhängig vom jeweiligen Anschlussort, einen Telefondienst und einen Fernsehdienst umfassen.
World Wide Web oder www, allgemein bekannt als Web, ist ein öffentliches Hypertext-System, das im Internet betrieben wird. Das Web bietet Zugang mit einem Browser und zugänglichen Seiten auf Websites.
Um die Wifirst-Dienste nutzen zu können, muss der Nutzer zunächst sein Nutzergerät mit dem Wifirst-Netz verbinden. Wifirst verbindet die Wifirst-Netzwerke mit der WiFi-Technologie. Der Benutzer muss sicherstellen, dass sein Benutzergerät WiFi unterstützt (sollte mindestens mit WiFi 4 kompatibel sein). Wenn es der Anschlussort zulässt, kann Wifirst das Wifirst-Netzwerk mit einem Ethernet-Kabel verbinden. In diesem Fall muss der Benutzer sein Benutzergerät mit einem Ethernet-Kabel verbinden, das an die Wand angeschlossen ist. Das Ethernet-Kabel ist Teil des Benutzergeräts und wird nicht von Wifirst zur Verfügung gestellt.
Sobald das Benutzergerät mit dem Wifirst-Netzwerk verbunden ist, muss der Benutzer sicherstellen, dass sein Gerät über eine Standard- Netzwerkkonfiguration verfügt. Dazu gehören eine IP-Adresse und DNS-Server, die so konfiguriert sind, dass sie automatisch über DHCP bezogen werden, sowie ein Firewall- und Anti-Virus-System, das das Surfen im Internet nicht einschränkt. Der Benutzer muss dann den Webbrowser öffnen. Er wird automatisch auf die Wifirst-Website weitergeleitet, aber wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, muss der Nutzer die folgende URL in seinen Webbrowser eingeben: Um die Wifirst-Dienste nutzen zu können, muss das Benutzergerät HTTPS unterstützen, Cookies zulassen, Javascript unterstützen und es darf kein Proxy-Server aktiviert sein. Das Benutzergerät muss außerdem über eine Konfiguration verfügen, die mit den Wifirst-Diensten kompatibel ist, wie folgt: (a) ein Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows XP oder neuer oder Mac OS X oder neuer, (b) 1 Gigabyte (GB) RAM oder mehr (4 GB empfohlen), (c) ein System, das frei von Viren, Trojanern, Würmern, Spyware, Hacking-Software oder sonstiger Software ist, die das Nutzererlebnis beeinträchtigen oder eine Sicherheitsbedrohung für das Wifirst- Netzwerk darstellen kann.
Wifirst stellt dem Nutzer einen Kunden-Service zur Verfügung, der per Telefon, E-Mail oder Chat erreichbar ist, um Unterstützung bei der Implementierung, Installation und Nutzung der Wifirst-Dienste zu leisten.
Der Kunden-Service ist 24 Stunden am Tag, sieben Tage die Woche erreichbar:
per Telefon unter +44 (20) 38 07 06 28 (gebührenfreie Nummer)
per E-Mail unter
per Chat direkt über das Verbindungsportal.
Wenn der Kunde der Meinung ist, dass die Antwort auf seine Beschwerde nicht zufriedenstellend ist oder nicht innerhalb eines (1) Monats erfolgt ist, kann er eine schriftliche Beschwerde an den verbraucher-Service unter folgender Adresse richten: Wifirst Consumer Service, 26 rue de Berri, 75008 - PARIS.
Der Verbraucher-Service verpflichtet sich, dem Nutzer innerhalb eines (1) Monats (es sei denn, mit dem Nutzer wurde eine längere Bearbeitungszeit vereinbart) eine schriftliche Antwort zukommen zu lassen.
Wenn der Nutzer mit der Antwort nicht zufrieden ist oder wenn das Schreiben an den Verbraucher-Service länger als einen (1) Monat unbeantwortet geblieben ist, kann der Nutzer die Angelegenheit kostenlos an den Schlichtungsstelle T elekommunikation der Bundesnetzagentur weiterleiten, entweder direkt oder über einen Verbraucherverband.
Der Wifirst-Dienst ermöglicht dem Nutzer den Zugang zum Internet und seinen verschiedenen Diensten, einschließlich des World Wide Web (www), E-Mails, Online-Dienste, Dateiaustausch und allgemeiner den Austausch von Daten über das Netz.
4.1 Benutzer-Authentifizierung
Die Nutzung des Wifirst-Dienstes ist ausschließlich natürlichen Personen vorbehalten, die volljährig und voll geschäftsfähig sind. In den meisten Fällen verlangt Wifirst von den Nutzern eine Authentifizierung vor der Aktivierung der Internetverbindung, entweder durch Angabe einer E-Mail-Adresse oder durch Einrichtung eines Kontos auf dem Captive Portal.
4.2 Recht auf Zugang zum Wifirst-Dienst
Je nach Standort des Anschlusses kann der Zugang zum Wifirst- Dienst kostenpflichtig, kostenlos oder durch ein vom Partner festgelegtes Verfahren bedingt sein. Für jeden kostenpflichtigen Dienst sollte der Nutzer die entsprechenden Geschäftsbedingungen und alle Informationen, die dem Nutzer vor dem Kauf zur Verfügung gestellt werden, beachten.
5.1 Der Nutzer garantiert die Richtigkeit der bei der Authentifizierung angegebenen Daten. Der Nutzer erklärt, dass er über die Besonderheiten des Internets informiert ist und diese kennt, insbesondere die Tatsache, dass
(A) die Übertragung von Daten über das Internet nur relativ zuverlässig ist, dass diese Übertragung über verschiedene und heterogene Netze erfolgt, deren Eigenschaften und Merkmale sich im Laufe der Zeit ändern können, dass diese Änderungen sich auf die Datenübertragungszeiten oder die Zugriffszeit auf die Daten auswirken können und dass diese Netze zu bestimmten Tageszeiten überlastet sein können;
(B) die über elektronische Kommunikationsnetze fließenden Daten möglicherweise abgefangen werden können und die Übermittlung vertraulicher Daten des Nutzers auf sein eigenes Risiko erfolgt;
(C) das Internet ein offenes Netz ist und folglich die Informationen, die es überträgt, nicht gegen das Risiko der Verfälschung, des Eingriffs in die Systeme, der Datenpiraterie, der Programme und Dateien oder der Verseuchung des Benutzergeräts durch Computerviren geschützt sind;
(D) der Benutzer alle angemessenen Maßnahmen ergreift, um (i) die Daten, Dateien oder Programme, die in den Systemen gespeichert sind, gegen die Verseuchung durch Viren zu schützen, die in den elektronischen Kommunikationsnetzen, einschließlich des Internets, zirkulieren, und gegen Versuche, in das Benutzergerät einzudringen, und (ii) den Missbrauch des Wifirst-Dienstes durch potenzielle Dritte zu verhindern.
5.2 er Nutzer erkennt auch an, dass er verpflichtet ist, die Nutzung seines eigenen Internetzugangs zu überwachen, wofür er allein verantwortlich ist. In diesem Zusammenhang verpflichtet sich der Nutzer außerdem, die folgenden Regeln einzuhalten bzw. Dritte, die die Dienste in seinem Namen nutzen, zur Einhaltung dieser Regeln zu veranlassen:
(A) Die über elektronische Kommunikationsnetze (einschließlich Internet) fließenden und/oder zur Verfügung gestellten Daten dürfen nicht gegen geltende Gesetze, Verordnungen, ethische Grundprinzipien sowie nationale und internationale Vorschriften verstoßen. Insbesondere sind Inhalte, die Verbrechen und Vergehen, Aufstachelung zum Rassenhass oder Selbstmord, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit und Kinderpornographie fördern, streng verboten. (B) Der Nutzer verpflichtet sich, durch sein Verhalten und die von ihm zur Verfügung gestellten Daten
(i) die Rechte Dritter nicht zu verletzen, einschließlich der Vervielfältigung, Darstellung oder öffentlichen Zugänglichmachung von Werken oder Gegenständen, die durch ein Recht des geistigen Eigentums, literarisch, künstlerisch oder industriell, geschützt sind. Die Daten, die über ein elektronisches Kommunikationsnetz (einschließlich Internet) fließen oder zur Verfügung gestellt werden und/oder durch audiovisuelle Dienste verfügbar gemacht werden, können in Bezug auf die Nutzung reguliert oder durch ein Urheberrecht oder ein verwandtes Recht geschützt sein, und der Nutzer ist allein verantwortlich für die Nutzung der Daten, die er in elektronischen Kommunikationsnetzen (einschließlich Internet) und über die Wifirst-Dienste abfragt, speichert und zur Verfügung stellt. Der Nutzer ist auch allein verantwortlich für die Weitergabe von Daten, Bildern oder Tönen, die eine Verleumdung, Beleidigung, Verunglimpfung oder eine Verletzung der Privatsphäre, der Bildrechte, der persönlichen Ehre oder der öffentlichen Ordnung darstellen können;
(ii) die Wifirst-Dienste nicht zu Fälschungszwecken (Piraterie) zu nutzen;
(iii) Dateien nicht unter illegalen Bedingungen herunterzuladen, unabhängig von den verwendeten Mitteln, wie z.B. geschützte Dateien (Texte, Bilder, Fotografien, Musikwerke, audiovisuelle Werke, Computersoftware und Videospiele);
(iv) das Eindringen in Computersysteme oder "Hacking" zu unterlassen;
(v) die Verbreitung von Viren oder Schadprogrammen zu unterlassen; (vi) die rechtswidrige Verbreitung von E-Mails zu unterlassen
(C) die Bereitstellung oder Nutzung von Daten es ermöglichen kann, durch Einrichtung eines Hyperlinks, auf Websites Dritter weiterzuleiten, die gegen eine der oben genannten Bestimmungen verstoßen.
5.3 Infolge des Vorgenannten und in voller Kenntnis der Eigenschaften des Wifirst-Dienstes erklärt sich der Nutzer damit einverstanden, dass Wifirst nicht für die Folgen des Auftretens einer oder mehrerer der oben genannten Tatsachen haftbar gemacht werden kann und dass Wifirst nach geltendem Recht weder einer allgemeinen Verpflichtung zur Überwachung der in seinem Netz übertragenen Daten noch einer allgemeinen Verpflichtung zur Suche nach Umständen unterliegt, die auf eine rechtswidrige Tätigkeit hinweisen.
5.4 Der Nutzer erkennt an, dass der Zugang zum Wifirst-Dienst aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten am Wifirst-Netz, Upgrades oder dem Auftreten von höherer Gewalt (wie unten definiert) vorübergehend ausgesetzt werden kann.
5.5 Der Nutzer verpflichtet sich, die von Wifirst am Anschlussort installierten Geräte nicht zu beschädigen, zu versetzen oder zu entwenden, um den Wifirst-Dienst nutzen zu können.
Wifirst unterliegt bei der Bereitstellung des Wifirst-Dienstes ausdrücklich einer Verpflichtung zur Bereitstellung von Betriebsmitteln. Wifirst ist nicht verantwortlich für die Qualität der Datenübertragung, die Reaktionszeit der Informationen und mögliche Beschränkungen des Zugangs zu bestimmten Netzen oder Diensten, die mit dem Internet verbunden sind.
Wifirst informiert den Nutzer über den Umgang mit seinen personenbezogenen Daten auf seinem Captive Portal und in der Wifirst-Datenschutzerklärung. Der Nutzer kann die neueste Version unter der folgenden Webadresse einsehen: V1.pdf.
Keine Partei ist gegenüber der anderen Partei in Verzug oder haftbar für Leistungsverzögerungen oder die Nichterfüllung oder Nichteinhaltung der Nutzungsbedingungen aufgrund von Ereignissen oder Ursachen höherer Gewalt, die außerhalb der zumutbaren Kontrolle dieser Partei liegen, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Naturgewalten, Handlungen der Regierung oder anderer zuständiger Regulierungsbehörden, Betreiber von Telekommunikationsnetzen, Krieg oder nationaler Notstand, Aufruhr, zivile Unruhen, Feuer, Explosion, Überschwemmung, Blitzschlag, extremes Wetter, Epidemien, allgemeine Aussperrungen, Streiks und andere Arbeitskämpfe.
Applicable as of 13th of June, 2023
The user of the Wifirst Service, hereinafter referred to as the "User"
Wifirst, a French “société par actions simplifiée” with registered capital of 16 076 007 euros, whose registered office is 26 rue de Berri 75008 Paris, registered with the Trade and Companies of Paris, under number 441 757 614, VAT number FR72441757614, whose website is available at, represented by its President, hereinafter referred to as "Wifirst".
Wifirst is an electronic communications network and services operator. In this context, Wifirst provides electronic communications services based on WiFi or Ethernet connectivity, depending on the eligibility of the User's location (the “Wifirst Service”). These Terms of Use are intended to define the terms of provision of the services and the conditions of use of such service to any User.
The terms and expressions with capital letters in the Terms of Use shall have the following meanings:
● Captive Portal refers to an authentication technique of redirecting the User's web browser to the Wifirst website.
● Connection Location means the physical location (home, hotel, camping, etc.) where the User connects to the Wifirst network.
● Data means any sign, signal, message, writing, image, sound of any kind and, in general, any content that can be stored, made available, consulted, transported, and, or distributed.
● DHCP means Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a network protocol which role is to ensure the automatic configuration of IP parameters of the User Device, including automatic assignment of an IP address and subnet mask. DHCP can also configure the default gateway address and DNS name servers.
● DNS means Domain Name System, the service translating a domain name into several types of information associated with it, including IP addresses of the machine with that name.
● HTTP means HyperText Transfer Protocol, the client-server communication protocol developed for the World Wide Web. HTTPS (with S for secured) is the encrypted version of this protocol.
● IEEE means the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a global standardisation agency.
● Internet means the global network of data exchange composed of servers connected together by means of electronic communications networks, accessible to any user equipped with the necessary computer equipment.
● IP or IP Address means the serial numbers that uniquely identify a device on the Internet.
● Partner means an organisation having a business relationship with Wifirst. The Wifirst network and infrastructure may be installed within the Partner premises. The Wifirst Service is made available to Users that may be guests and/or clients of the Partner.
● User Device means any device with which the User will connect to the Wifirst Service.
● User means any individual who uses the WIFIRST Service.
● Web Browser or Browser means the software designed to access the World Wide Web
● WiFi: refers to a set of wireless communications protocols covered by the standards of the IEEE 802.11 group (ISO / IEC 8802-11), for transmitting digital Data wirelessly. Depending on the connection and Connection Location of the User Device, access can either be performed according to the IEEE 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n or 802.11ac standards.
● Wifirst Service: refers to the Internet access service provided by Wifirst to the User. Service may also include, depending on the particular Connection Location, telephone service and television service.
● World Wide Web or WWW, commonly known as the Web, is a public hypertext system operating on the Internet. The Web provides access with a Browser and accessible pages on sites.
In order to use the Wifirst Services, the User must first connect its User Device to the Wifirst network. Wifirst connects the Wifirst networks with WiFi technology. The User must ensure its User Device supports WiFi (should be compatible with WiFi 4, at the minimum). If the Connection Location allows, Wifirst may connect the Wifirst network with an Ethernet cable. In that case, the User must connect its User Device to an Ethernet cable plugged into the wall. The Ethernet cable is part of the User Device and is not provided by Wifirst. Once the User Device is connected to the Wifirst network, the User must ensure that its device has a standard network configuration. This includes an IP address and DNS servers configured to be automatically obtained by DHCP, and a system of firewall and antivirus not limiting the Web browsing. The User must then open the Web Browser. It will automatically be redirected to the Wifirst website, but if it is not the case, the User shall enter the following url in its Web Browser: To benefit from the Wifirst Services, the User Device shall also support HTTPS, allow for cookies, support Javascript, and no proxy server should be activated. The User Device also must have a configuration compatible with the Wifirst Services, as follows: (a) a Microsoft Windows XP operating system or later, or Mac OS X or later, (b) 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more (4 GB recommended), (c) a system free of any virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, hacking software or any other software that may impair the User experience or create a security threat to the Wifirst network. A
Wifirst provides the User with a Customer Service, accessible by phone, email or chat, to provide assistance regarding the implementation, installation and use of Wifirst Services. This helpdesk is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be reached :
● by telephone at +44 (20) 38 07 06 28 (toll-free number);
● by email at;
● by chat directly on the connection portal.
If, however, the Customer considers that the response to his/her complaint is not satisfactory or has not been provided within one (1) month, he/she may then submit a written appeal to the Consumer Service, at the following address Wifirst Consumer Service, 26 rue de Berri, 75008 - PARIS.
From the date of receipt of the letter, the Consumer Service undertakes, within a maximum of one (1) month (unless a longer processing time has been agreed with the User) to provide a written response to the User.
Finally, if the User remains unsatisfied with the response given or if the letter to the Consumer Service has remained unanswered for more than one (1) month, the User may refer the matter free of charge Germany - Wifirst Services Terms of Use, as of 13th June 2023 Page 2 of 2 to the Electronic Communications Mediator, either directly or through a consumer association.
The Wifirst Service allows the User to access the Internet and its various services, including the World Wide Web (WWW), e-mails, online services, files exchanges, and more generally, the exchange of data across the network.
4.1 User authentication The use of the Wifirst Service is exclusively reserved to natural persons, over the age of legal majority and having a full legal capacity. In most cases, Wifirst requires Users to authenticate before activating the internet connection, either by submitting an e-mail address or by creating an account on the Captive Portal.
4.2 Right of access to the Wifirst Service Depending on the Connection Locations, access to the Wifirst Service may be charged, free, or conditioned by a procedure defined by the Partner. For any paid service, the User should refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions, and any information made available to the User before the purchase.
5.1 The User guarantees the accuracy of the information provided during authentication. The User declares that it is informed and understands the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet and particularly the fact that (A) the transmission of Internet Data only has a relative reliability; that such transmission is done on various and heterogeneous networks, which characteristics and features may change over time, that such changes are likely to impact the Data transfer times or access time to Data; and that such networks may be saturated at certain times of the day; (B) the Data flowing over electronic communications networks can possibly be diverted and communication of confidential Data of the User is made at its own risk; (C) that the Internet is an open network and, consequently, the information it conveys is not protected against the risk of diversion, intrusion into the equipment, data piracy, programs and files or contamination by computer viruses of the User Device; (D) the User shall take all appropriate measures to (i) protect the Data, files or programs stored in the systems against contamination by viruses circulating on electronic communications networks including the Internet and intrusion attempts in the User Device and (ii) prevent the misuse of the Wifirst Service by potential third parties.
5.2 The User also acknowledges it has an obligation to monitor the use of the its own access to the Internet, which it is solely responsible for. In this respect, the User further undertakes that it will respect, or will make any third party using the Services on its behalf respect the following rules: (A) the Data flowing and / or made available on electronic communications networks (including Internet) must not contravene any applicable law, regulations, deontology charters, national and international regulations. In particular, any content promoting crimes and offenses, incitement to racial hatred or suicide, crimes against humanity, child pornography are strictly prohibited. Any content including violence or pornography is also strictly prohibited when the content is likely to be available to minors; (B) the User, by its behaviour and the Data it makes available, undertakes not to (i) infringe the rights of third parties, including reproduction, representation, or availability of communication to the public of works or objects protected by an intellectual property right, literary, artistic or industrial. The Data flowing or provided by any electronic communications network (including the Internet) and / or made available by means of audio-visual services can be regulated in terms of use or protected by a copyright or related right and the User is solely responsible for the use of the Data it consults, stores and makes available on any electronic communications networks (including the Internet) and through the Wifirst Services. The User is also solely responsible for the sharing of Data, images or sounds that may constitute defamation, insult, denigration or infringing the privacy, image rights, morality or public order; (ii) use the Wifirst Services for counterfeiting purposes (piracy); (iii) download files in illegal conditions, regardless of the means used, such as protected files (text, images, photographs, musical works, audio-visual works, computer software and video games); (iv) conduct intrusions into computer systems or "hacking"; (v) deliver viruses, or programs intended to harm; (vi) spread of e-mails in an unlawful manner; (C) provide or use Data allowing, by the creation of an hyperlink redirecting to websites or pages of third parties, to infringe a provision stated above.
5.3 As a result of the above mentioned and in full knowledge of the characteristics of the Wifirst Service, the User agrees that Wifirst cannot be held liable for the consequences of any occurrence of one or more of the facts mentioned above and that under the law in effect, Wifirst is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the Data transiting on its network, nor a general obligation to seek circumstances indicating illegal activity.
5.4 The User acknowledges that access to the Wifirst Service may be temporarily suspended, due to maintenance of the Wifirst network, upgrades or the occurrence of a Force Majeure (as defined below).
5.5 The User agrees that it shall not degrade, move, or steal any equipment installed by Wifirst in the Connection Location in order to provide the Wifirst Service.
Wifirst is expressly subject to an obligation of means in providing the Wifirst Service. Wifirst is not responsible for the quality of the Data transmission, information response time and possible restrictions of access to specific networks or services connected to the Internet.
ARTICLE 7. PERSONAL DATA Wifirst shall inform the User on how it uses its personal data on its Captive Portal and in Wifirst privacy policy. The User may view the latest version at the following web address:
Neither party shall be deemed in default or liable to the other party for any delays in performance or from failure to perform or comply with the Terms of Use due to any force majeure event or cause beyond that party's reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of Government or other competent regulatory authority, telecommunications network operators, war or national emergency, riots, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, lightning, extremely severe weather, epidemic, general lock-outs, strikes and other industrial disputes
Applicable as of 9th of August, 2022
The user of the Wifirst Service, hereinafter referred to as the "User"
Wifirst, a French “société par actions simplifiée” with registered capital of 16 076 007 euros, whose registered office is 26 rue de Berri 75008 Paris FRANCE, which is registered with the Trade and Companies of Paris, FRANCE under number 441 757 614, VAT number FR72441757614, whose website is available at, represented by its President, hereinafter referred to as "Wifirst".
Wifirst is an electronic communications network and services operator, regularly declared to the French Autorité de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Électroniques (ARCEP).
In this context, Wifirst provides electronic communications services based on WiFi or Ethernet connectivity, depending on the eligibility of the User's location (the “Wifirst Service”).
These Terms of Use are intended to define the terms of provision of the services and the conditions of use of such service to any User.
The terms and expressions with capital letters in the Terms of Use shall have the following meanings:
Captive Portal refers to an authentication technique of redirecting the User's web browser to the Wifirst website.
Connection Location means the physical location (home, hotel, camping, etc.) where the User connects to the Wifirst network.
Data means any sign, signal, message, writing, image, sound of any kind and, in general, any content that can be stored, made available, consulted, transported, and, or distributed.
DHCP means Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a network protocol which role is to ensure the automatic configuration of IP parameters of the User Device, including automatic assignment of an IP address and subnet mask. DHCP can also configure the default gateway address and DNS name servers.
DNS means Domain Name System, the service translating a domain name into several types of information associated with it, including IP addresses of the machine with that name.
HTTP means HyperText Transfer Protocol, the client-server communication protocol developed for the World Wide Web. HTTPS (with S for secured) is the encrypted version of this protocol.
IEEE means the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a global standardisation agency.
Internet means the global network of data exchange composed of servers connected together by means of electronic communications networks, accessible to any user equipped with the necessary computer equipment.
IP or IP Address means the serial numbers that uniquely identify a device on the Internet.
Partner means an organisation having a business relationship with Wifirst. The Wifirst network and infrastructure may be installed within the Partner premises. The Wifirst Service is made available to Users that may be guests and/or clients of the Partner.
User Device means any device with which the User will connect to the Wifirst Service.
User means any individual who uses the WIFIRST Service.
Web Browser or Browser means the software designed to access the World Wide Web
WiFi: refers to a set of wireless communications protocols covered by the standards of the IEEE 802.11 group (ISO / IEC 8802-11), for transmitting digital Data wirelessly. Depending on the connection and Connection Location of the User Device, access can either be performed according to the IEEE 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n or 802.11ac standards.
Wifirst Service: refers to the Internet access service provided by Wifirst to the User. Service may also include, depending on the particular Connection Location, telephone service and television service.
World Wide Web or WWW, commonly known as the Web, is a public hypertext system operating on the Internet. The Web provides access with a Browser and accessible pages on sites.
In order to use the Wifirst Services, the User must first connect its User Device to the Wifirst network. Wifirst connects Wifirst networks with WiFi technology. The User must ensure its User Device supports WiFi (should be compatible with WiFi 4, at the minimum). If the Connection Location allows, Wifirst may connect the Wifirst network with an Ethernet cable. In that case, the User must connect its User Device to an Ethernet cable plugged into the wall. The Ethernet cable is part of the User Device and is not provided by Wifirst.
Once the User Device is connected to Wifirst network, the User must ensure that its device has a standard network configuration. This includes an IP address and DNS servers configured to be automatically obtained by DHCP, and a system of firewall and anti-virus not limiting the Web browsing. The User must then open the Web Browser. It will automatically be redirected to Wifirst website, but if it is not the case, the User shall enter the following url in its Web Browser: To benefit from Wifirst Services, the User Device shall also support HTTPS, allow for cookies, support Javascript, and no proxy server should be activated. The User Device also must have a configuration compatible with Wifirst Services, as follows: (a) a Microsoft Windows XP operating system or later, or Mac OS X or later, (b) 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more (4 GB recommended), (c) a system free of any virus, Trojan, worm, spyware, hacking software or any other software that may impair the User experience or create a security threat to the Wifirst network.
Wifirst provides the User with a Customer Service, accessible by phone, email or chat, to provide assistance regarding the implementation, installation and use of Wifirst Services.
This helpdesk is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be reached :
If, however, the Customer considers that the response to his/her complaint is not satisfactory or has not been provided within one (1) month, he/she may then submit a written appeal to the Consumer Service, at the following address Wifirst Consumer Service, 26 rue de Berri, 75008 - PARIS.
From the date of receipt of the letter, the Consumer Service undertakes, within a maximum of one (1) month (unless a longer processing time has been agreed with the User) to provide a written response to the User.
Finally, if the User remains unsatisfied with the response given or if the letter to the Consumer Service has remained unanswered for more than one (1) month, the User may refer the matter free of charge to the Electronic Communications Mediator, either directly or through a consumer association, by completing the form provided for this purpose directly on the website
The Wifirst Service allows the User to access the Internet and its various services, including the World Wide Web (WWW), e-mails, online services, files exchanges, and more generally, the exchange of data across the network.
4.1 User authentification
The use of Wifirst Service is exclusively reserved to natural persons, over the age of legal majority and having a full legal capacity. In most cases, Wifirst requires Users to authenticate before activating the internet connection, either by submitting an e-mail address or by creating an account on the Captive Portal.
4.2 Right of access to the Wifirst Service
Depending on the Connection Locations, access to Wifirst Service may be charged, free of charge, or conditioned by a procedure defined by the Partner. For any paid service, the User should refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions, and any information made available to the User before the purchase.
5.1 The User guarantees the accuracy of the information provided during authentication. The User declares that s/he is informed and understands the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet and particularly the fact that (A) the transmission of Internet Data only has a relative reliability; that such transmission is done on various and heterogeneous networks, which characteristics and features may change over time, that such changes are likely to impact the Data transfer times or access time to Data; and that such networks may be saturated at certain times of the day; (B) the Data flowing over electronic communications networks can possibly be diverted and communication of confidential Data of the User is made at its own risk; (C) that the Internet is an open network and, consequently, the information it conveys is not protected against the risk of diversion, intrusion into the equipment, data piracy, programs and files or contamination by computer viruses of the User Device; (D) the User shall take all appropriate measures to (i) protect the Data, files or programs stored in the systems against contamination by viruses circulating on electronic communications networks including the Internet and intrusion attempts in the User Device and (ii) prevent the misuse of the Wifirst Service by potential third parties.
The User also acknowledges it has an obligation to monitor the use of the its own access to the Internet, which it is solely responsible for. In this respect, the User further undertakes that it will respect, or will make any third party using the Services on its behalf respect the following rules: (A) the Data flowing and / or made available on electronic communications networks (including Internet) must not contravene any applicable law, regulations, deontology charters, national and international regulations. In particular, any content promoting crimes and offenses, incitement to racial hatred or suicide, crimes against humanity, child pornography are strictly prohibited. Any content including violence or pornography is also strictly prohibited when the content is likely to be available to minors; (B) the User, by its behaviour and the Data it makes available, undertakes not to (i) infringe the rights of third parties, including reproduction, representation, or availability of communication to the public of works or objects protected by an intellectual property right, literary, artistic or industrial. The Data flowing or provided by any electronic communications network (including the Internet) and / or made available by means of audio-visual services can be regulated in terms of use or protected by a copyright or related right and the User is solely responsible for the use of the Data it consults, stores and makes available on any electronic communications networks (including the Internet) and through the Wifirst Services. The User is also solely responsible for the sharing of Data, images or sounds that may constitute defamation, insult, denigration or infringing the privacy, image rights, morality or public order; (ii) use the Wifirst Services for counterfeiting purposes (piracy); (iii) download files in illegal conditions, regardless of the means used, such as protected files (text, images, photographs, musical works, audio-visual works, computer software and video games); (iv) conduct intrusions into computer systems or "hacking"; (v) deliver viruses, or programs intended to harm; (vi) spread of e-mails in an unlawful manner; (C) provide or use Data allowing, by the creation of an hyperlink redirecting to websites or pages of third parties, to infringe a provision stated above.
5.3 As a result of the above mentioned and in full knowledge of the characteristics of the Wifirst Service, the User agrees that Wifirst cannot be held liable for the consequences of any occurrence of one or more of the facts mentioned above and that under the law in effect, Wifirst is not subject to a general obligation to monitor the Data transiting on its network, nor a general obligation to seek circumstances indicating illegal activity.
5.4 The User acknowledges that access to the Wifirst Service may be temporarily suspended, due to maintenance of the Wifirst network, upgrades or the occurrence of a Force Majeure (as defined below).
5.5 The User agrees that it shall not degrade, move, or steal any equipment installed by Wifirst in the Connection Location in order to provide the Wifirst Service.
The User acknowledges having read the following message from HADOPI: "You have just connected to a public Wi-Fi network, provided by Wifirst. By providing you with this Internet access, we would like to invite you to adopt a responsible attitude regarding the use of this Internet connection. Indeed, we are committed to the protection of creators' rights and would like to involve you in this process by inviting you not to illegally download content that contravenes intellectual property rights on the Internet. Sharing software such as "eMule" or "uTorrent", when connected to the internet, can automatically make downloaded files available. If sharing software has been used to download protected works, it is therefore preferable to deactivate it. The website, created by the HADOPI, lists several hundred cultural offers available online, all categories (free or paying) and cultural sectors (music, VOD, etc.) combined. To obtain all these offers, go to
Wifirst is expressly subject to an obligation of means in providing the Wifirst Service. Wifirst is not responsible for the quality of the Data transmission, information response time and possible restrictions of access to specific networks or services connected to the Internet.
Wifirst shall inform the User on how it uses its personal data on its Captive Portal and in Wifirst privacy policy. The User may view the latest version at the following web address:
Neither party shall be deemed in default or liable to the other party for any matter whatsoever for any delays in performance or from failure to perform or comply with the Terms of Use due to any force majeure event or cause beyond that party's reasonable control including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of Government or other competent regulatory authority, telecommunications network operators, war or national emergency, riots, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, lightning, extremely severe weather, epidemic, general lock-outs, strikes and other industrial disputes.