How Wifirst Enhances PBSA Connectivity: Solving 5 Major Challenges

Sedef Dincer
13 Aug 2024

As the UK higher education student population climbs to a record 2.9 million* in 2024—a 3% rise from last year—the demand for student housing is reaching new heights. This surge is straining an already tight market, making Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) more crucial than ever.

As the demand for PBSA continues to rise, so too does the necessity for top-tier internet connectivity. In today’s tech-centric world, students depend on fast, reliable internet for everything from their academic work to social interactions and entertainment. This makes high-quality internet not just a convenience, but a fundamental requirement for students living in PBSA, driving the need for solutions that keep pace with their digital lives.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the five biggest connectivity challenges facing PBSA and show you how Wifirst turns these obstacles into seamless experiences.

Let’s explore why Wifirst is the preferred partner for PBSA connectivity!

Enhancing Student Experience: How Wifirst Solves 5 Major PBSA Connectivity Challenges

1. Peak Performance When It Matters Most

Students are heavy internet users, especially between 4 PM and 1 AM, when up to 90% of them may be online simultaneously for activities like video streaming, online gaming, and virtual classes. Wifirst handles these peak hours by connecting residences to dedicated fibre lines (FTTO) with guaranteed symmetrical speeds. This ensures that high demand is met with high performance, providing students with a reliable, fast, and smooth internet experience exactly when they need it most.

2. Seamless Multi-Device Connectivity for PBSA

Traditional student networks can be frustrating, as security restrictions often limit the ability to use multiple devices. Wifirst changes the game with its private WiFi technology, creating secure, personal networks for each student. This means students can easily and securely connect all their devices—smartphones, PCs, printers, speakers, and gaming consoles etc.—just like they do at home. Each student gets their own password for their room’s network, combining convenience with unparalleled security.

3. Cost-Efficient Network Integration

Student residences often juggle multiple networks for different services, which can be costly and complicated. Wifirst steps in with a unified network that supports WiFi, telephony, office automation, security systems, and more—all in one go. This integration cuts down on the need for multiple setups, saving money and reducing disruptions. It’s a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution, decreasing the amount of equipment needed and lowering the carbon footprint associated with network maintenance.

4. Expert Network Management for Student Housing

The intricacies of network management can place a heavy load on student housing staff, who may lack both the time and expertise for these technical challenges. Wifirst offers a complete network management solution, taking care of everything from design and installation to ongoing maintenance and user support. By outsourcing to Wifirst, staff can concentrate on their key duties, with peace of mind that the network is in expert hands. This ensures the network operates at peak performance and frees up critical time and resources for staff.

5. Robust Security and Compliance

In today’s digital environment, ensuring network security and regulatory compliance is a must. Wifirst steps up with strong security measures and ensures everything meets the necessary standards, including GDPR and the Digital Economy Act. They handle all the behind-the-scenes legal and technical work, like data logging, retention, court order processing, and maintaining an ISO27001 - compliant Information Security Management System. With robust firewalls and strategic network segmentation, Wifirst protects your network from threats, making sure your students have a safe and compliant online environment.

Experience the Wifirst Advantage: Transforming PBSA Connectivity

Since our inception in 2002, Wifirst has been at the forefront of revolutionising WiFi in student housing. Our journey began with a mission to connect student accommodations, and over the years, our expertise and dedication have only grown stronger. Today, we proudly serve esteemed global clients such as Le Crous, The Social Hub, micampus, and CRM Students, delivering superior connectivity solutions that enhance the student experience.

Ready to Transform Your Student Housing?

Don't let inadequate internet hold your students back. Partner with Wifirst to provide your residents with the fastest, most reliable digital experience available. Our comprehensive solutions offer not just connectivity, but peace of mind, cost savings, and enhanced operational efficiency.

Contact Wifirst today to learn how we can elevate your PBSA connectivity to new heights. 

* HESA, Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2022/23

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