WiFi: a strategic imperative for dealerships and car centers

Etienne DETRIE (UK)
24 Feb 2025

The automotive industry is undergoing an unprecedented digital transformation. The rise of connected vehicles, the evolution of maintenance processes and the optimization of dealership operations call for a solid technological infrastructure. Among the essential elements of this modernization, WiFi connectivity plays a key role.

While vehicle updates were historically carried out via physical media such as USB sticks, they are now largely replaced by OTA (Over-The-Air) updates. While this change considerably improves vehicle efficiency and safety, it also requires dealerships and car centers to have a reliable, high-performance and secure WiFi network.

But beyond OTA updates, WiFi is becoming a strategic imperative for all the activities of an automotive dealership: connected diagnostic tools, optimization of internal processes, improved customer experience, cybersecurity... In this article, we'll explore why WiFi is a must-have investment for dealerships and automotive centers, and how it can revolutionize the way they operate.



1. The end of USB stick updates: why a revolution was needed?

A cumbersome and risky manual process

Historically, vehicle firmware updates required the intervention of technicians, who had to :

  • Download the update file manually.
  • Transfer the data to a USB key or connected device.
  • Connect the device to the vehicle's OBD.
  • Wait for the update to complete before checking that it was running correctly.

Although functional, this process has a number of limitations:

  • Long intervention times: Each update requires a technician to follow several manual steps, which wastes time.
  • Increased risk of error: An incorrect firmware version, a corrupted file or incorrect handling can lead to serious malfunctions.
  • Incompatible technological evolution: As vehicles become increasingly connected, the frequency of updates has increased considerably, making the USB method obsolete.

Pourquoi faire la mise à jour de sa voiture électrique ?

OTA updates: an effective alternative

OTA (Over-The-Air) updates enable manufacturers to send patches and enhancements directly to vehicles via a wireless connection. This method offers a number of advantages:

  • Process automation: Updates can be programmed and deployed remotely without physical intervention.
  • Enhanced security: Manufacturers validate and encrypt updates to guarantee their integrity.
  • Reduced costs: Less time spent on updates means optimized human and financial resources.

However, for this transition to be effective in the dealership, a high-performance WiFi network is essential.

2. Why is WiFi essential for OTA updates?

OTA updates represent a major step forward, but they require reliable and robust connectivity. An inadequate WiFi infrastructure can lead to update interruptions, rendering vehicles temporarily unusable, or even permanently in the event of a critical error.

a) Stability and speed of updates

Vehicle update files are often very large, ranging from a few hundred megabytes to several gigabytes. A fast, stable WiFi network is crucial to ensure uninterrupted downloading and installation.

An unstable connection can cause :

  • An interrupted update, rendering the vehicle unusable until manual intervention.
  • Longer waiting times, impacting the efficiency of dealership operations.

b) Simultaneous updating of several vehicles

In a dealership, it is not uncommon to have several vehicles waiting to be updated simultaneously. An inadequate WiFi infrastructure could saturate the network, slowing down the whole system and affecting other digital operations.

A well-designed professional WiFi network should :

  • Offer sufficient bandwidth to handle multiple updates at the same time.
  • Ensure homogeneous coverage to avoid areas with weak connections.
  • Prioritize critical flows to guarantee uninterrupted updates.

c) Update security and compliance

OTA updates must be secure to avoid any risk of cyber-attack or data corruption. A high-performance WiFi network makes it possible to implement advanced security protocols, such as :

  • A segmented network (dedicated VLAN) to isolate updates from the rest of the network.
  • Strong connection encryption to prevent data interception.
  • Enhanced authentication to ensure that only official manufacturer updates are applied.

d) Reduced maintenance time and costs

With optimized WiFi, dealerships can save time and money by reducing :

  • The need for human intervention: Fewer manual updates means more time for other essential tasks.
  • Human error: An automated process minimizes the risk of mishandling.
  • Business interruptions: A reliable network ensures smooth, seamless service.

3. Other critical uses of WiFi in a car dealership

While WiFi is crucial for OTA updates, it also plays a key role in other aspects of dealership operations.

a) Connected diagnostic and maintenance tools

Modern garages use connected diagnostic tools that require real-time access to manufacturers' databases. Thanks to WiFi, technicians can :

  • Instantly access maintenance information and technical bulletins.
  • Perform remote diagnostics in collaboration with OEM technical centers.
  • Improve repair turnaround times thanks to constantly updated, connected tools.

b) Enhanced customer experience

High-performance WiFi not only benefits vehicles, it also enhances the customer experience in the dealership:

  • Free WiFi for visitors: A significant asset for improving the welcome in the waiting room.
  • Sales staffuse connected tablets to present models and personalize vehicles in real time.
  • Online configuration and simulation to enable customers to better visualize their future vehicle.

portail renault

c) Connected vehicles and inventory management

Many vehicles need to stay connected to receive maintenance alerts, download internal updates and be tracked in real time. High-performance WiFi also enables :

  • Optimized inventory management by tracking vehicle entries and exits in real time.
  • Vehicle performance monitoring directly from the dealership.

d) Secure transactions and IT infrastructure

Finally, a secure WiFi network is essential to protect :

  • Financial transactions carried out in the dealership.
  • Customer data stored in IT systems.
  • The entire IT infrastructure against cyber-attacks and intrusion attempts.

4. Wifirst: the WiFi solution for car dealerships

To meet these challenges, Wifirst offers a managed, tailor-made WiFi infrastructure:

Optimal coverage in all areas of the dealership (showroom, workshop, parking lots).
Segmented networks: customer WiFi, corporate network, secure IoT network.
Guaranteed quality of service to avoid saturation.
24/7 supervision for reliable, uninterrupted WiFi.


With the right WiFi infrastructure, car dealerships can improve efficiency, optimize operations and deliver an unrivalled customer experience.

WiFi is no longer just an additional service: it has become a strategic imperative for any modern car dealership. 🚗💨