Hospitality Chromecast solution

External Chromecast: the universal solution for hotels

If Google offered a Chromecast solution purpose-built for the hospitality market, this would be it.

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Enable your customers to stream content to their guestroom TV with Stream & Cast by Wifirst. No proxy servers or over-complicated delivery solutions, Stream & Cast is a secure, easy to use and reliable Chromecast experience, just as Google intended.

What is Chromecast?

Chromecast is a small media player device developed by Google which plugs into the TV in each room at your property.

  • It allows content from smartphones, tablets and computers to be wirelessly transmitted to the television.
  • Chromecast is the most universal streaming solution on the market, used by thousands of applications on both Apple and Android devices.
  • When used in combination with Room Area Network from Wifirst, a secure Chromecast solution is created, suitable for hospitality use.
  • The small device plugs into the HDMI port of each TV and locked into position so that it cannot be removed without a special key.

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Chromecast TV for hotels
Hospitality TV systems powered by Google Chromecast

Why is Chromecast so important to today's guests ?

  • Chromecast enables your guests to stream their content to the TV in their guestrooms.
  • Your guests can easily stream services such as Netflix, BT Sports, Now TV, Amazon Prime Video or Disney+ without any of the GDPR concerns attributed to some Smart TV's.
  • The popularity of streaming services in the UK have overtaken pay TV services such as Sky, as reported by Ofcom. 
  • Ofcom has also reported that half of UK homes now subscribe to streaming services. This figure is predicted to increase with time. 
  • For international travellers, local TV stations may not be suitable, especially if there is a language barrier. Chromecast provides a facility for your international guests to watch the content they want, and in turn, will drive your guest satisfaction and reviews.

Stream & Cast by Wifirst, a Chromecast solution for the hospitality market

The below video demonstrates how easy it is for guests to get connected and start to stream their own content.


Why choose Stream & Cast by Wifirst


Wifirst is currently the only hospitality provider to offer a totally secure Chromecast solution without the need for a proxy server or over-complicated network.- just as Google intended Chromecast to be used.

Quality through WiFi

Some providers prefer Chromecast to be deployed on a wired network. When used in combination with Wifirst WiFi, this is not needed. We ensure everything is setup correctly to deliver the very best streaming experience possible.


Our Room Area Network solution makes it easy to deploy Chromecast securely, but also enables any other IoT services such as wireless door locking, connected speakers and many many more.

Please get in touch to talk about how Stream & Cast could help your property.